Sep 07, 2009 23:53
Some people say "going to grad school full-time might be tough with you schedule." To these naysayers I say "Nonsense!"
Okay, so I'm a little tired...and spending 10 hours on Saturday and 10 hours today doing homework kind of sucked...especially because I'm nowhere near finished. Still, though I'm making it work so far.
It will be easier after October, when the two bigger shows I'm working on are over. I've been told by Sara that I'm doing Imagine 2010 alone for the most part. This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand I have most of the creative freedom and have already started brainstorming, but on the other hand if I hit a wall and can't keep coming up with good stuff I'm a little stuck. After October I'll only be focusing on teaching, SAP advising (probation students), Imagine 2010, and grad school.
Maybe at some point I'll find the time to come home. Paul Hacker died last weekend, for those of you who didn't hear. I'm bummed, but I am completely unable to get home for his memorial, which is the last weekend of the month. I can't come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas either. Maybe February...?
I'm so glad that I'm taking these courses. I'm creating again, painting again, designing. Going to art supply stores and getting's good to be back to this. Also, I feel that I owe it to my students to keep working on my own things. If I end up stagnant and inactive how can I push them toward innovation?