Jan 04, 2006 18:26
..ok so ive got my new years resolutions.
1/ get completely over JonMikel. for good. its been wayy too long for me too still be holding on to something thats not even there anymore. he doesnt love me anymore, and i have to accept that. so theres #1
2/ stop biting my nails, noramlly its for bad nerves, but its really gross and i need to stop.
3/ go on a real diet. im tired of the way i look, and i want to change it. im fat. i dont want to be. so theres number 3.
4/ get better at bass. i want to learn at least one song by my bday. because i suck right now. so theres number 4.
ok so theres my 4 new year resolutions. im going to stick to them too. no cheating. i want this. i can do it.