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im-waiting-for-you and taken 5044 times on
bzoink!General InformationState your full name.Carie Marie MartinDo you like your name?yeaIf you could change it, would you, and to what?noTell me your age.15Relationships/LoveWhat do you want your wedding to be like?umm...thats to far away!Tell me the perfect setting for when you have sex.i don't knowHave you ever been in love?yesAre you in love?yesYour opinionsRock music is..great;)Pop music is..horribleYour thoughts on anarchyuhhh...Do you believe in God?noFavoritesType of musicrockBandi could never pick FoodpizzaThing to dosmoke dopeThing to sayf*ck you!Person to talk toShawn<3Subject in schoolugh...englishParentmomColor, and whypink...b/c its pretty<3Authori don't knowBooki'm not sureCandychocolate<333Last, just random questions and things about you.Do you like yourself?noWhat do you like about yourself?nothingWhat dont you like about yourself?anythingCan you play any instruments?noAre you depressed?yesHave you ever been suicidal?yesDo you do drugs?yesDo you drink alcohol?yesDo you miss anyone right now? Who?yes...What do you want to do with your life?get out of this hell holeWhat's something you know you want to accomplish before you die?...Do you think that I love you?why would you?You best, because I do.
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