Without Wings: Chapter 11

Mar 23, 2011 20:14

So, yay.  I had an awesomely productive day.  (Thanks to some music. *points to end of post*)

Chapter 11 of Without Wings is done!  Word count: 7,280

Without Wings word count so far: 111,807

Next I have Chapter 12 and the Epilogue.  (Luckily, I have some notes for the Epilogue.  Now if only Chapter 12 will cooperate with me on Thursday and Friday!  I could, like, possibly finish this novel by the end of April!!)

*flails vigorously with panic-glee*

* * * * *
And I have a tiny bit of news on The Last Legend, ebook version:

The ePub format now has an ISBN which means it is eligible for distribution through the Apple iBookstore... maybe in a couple of weeks.  Also, in a couple of weeks, you should be able to Google it and get search results.  Plus (one more thing) The Last Legend (ebook version) was approved for the Smashwords Premium Catalog, which means it can be sold through B&N (Nook), Sony (Kobo), Diesel, and some other retail book stores.  Soon, Smashwords will start offering books on Amazon.  Luckily, though, they already have Kindle formatted ebooks available for purchase on their site (on smashwords.com, I mean).

Like, wow.  Except for the formatting stuff (which is a hideous pain in the book-spine), this self-publishing stuff isn't so hard.  (Stressful, sure.  Existential-crisis-inducing maybe, but not hard.)  Luckily, I can apply tags and search terms to my book so people can find it via browsing.

Marketing, though...  Now that's a whole other can of worms.  I'll worry about it when I have stuff to market and I need a break from writing.  Yes, I shall write now, because I am in the Groove, man!  (^__~)

novel - the last legend, writerly news, novel - without wings

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