Jul 30, 2008 19:10
Not a whole lot has happened.
I went to Rhode Island Grand Assembly at the beginning of the month. I had a good time. I fell asleep on Mum Moody's giraffe on the way home. I asked someone what would happen if I ended up stabbing them. I didn't get the best response, so I decided to scurry back up to my room in the hotel.
I also got an exchange student from France: Arthur. I think everyone who actually reads this met him though. He was so quiet. I'm using past tense because he is somewhere in the sky in a plane. I dropped him off at Logan Airport today. That leads me to another topic: I drove in Boston for the first time today and I didn't like it. It actually wasn't so bad, but Massachusett drivers could really calm the hell down. Before I even left Maine, I ended up breaking the law. I went in the "coins only" lane at a tollbooth and I only had a dollar so I kind of just drove on through. It kind of went like this: "Oh, my God! I only have a dollar! What do I do? Oh, my God! I'm running a tollbooth! I'm running a tollbooth..." Except, I'm not going to get in trouble. I'll tell you why. I was driving Kathy Hansen's daughter-in-law's minivan. Sucka'.
I turned 18 and I had a party. I think it is fair to say that there have been better parties in the history of parties. My family is absolutely crazy. My parents got me an iPod that my brother hopefully won't sell this time around. I got a hamper for my dorm room, a microwave and lamp (also for my dorm room), some stickers that I can put on inanimate objects to make them have faces, an Eiffel Tower soap dispenser, etc.
I ALSO GOT MY NEW LAPTOP IN THE MAIL FOR COLLEGE! And I kind of disconnected the internet at my house just so I could plug it into my own laptop. I think my mom will be less than impressed when she goes to check the email on our regular computer and then find that I've disconnected it.
I had to use my birthday money to pay for the tolls,