Aug 07, 2008 06:00
Yes that's right. I've been posting more lately due to a lot going on in my life at the moment. Which is opposed to prior to sunday where all I did was slave away to my class, but I've already talked about that enough I'm sure.
Anyways, I moved back to Kent tonight. My room is completely disorganized and everything's just kind of piled on top of everything else. But that's no big deal, just gives me something to do in the next few days. So if your in the Kent area, I propose hang outs. I'll be around over the weekend at least, going to go back home sometime early next week. See Vince again before he heads out, and maybe some other people I haven't gotten a chance to see yet, as well as do work around the house and look after the dog's for some $$$ since I desperately need it. I also might try and do some job hunting soonish, since I need a job over next semester. Probably part-time since I'll have to take CS2 over again and I'm going to take quantitive method's over again, that fucking asshole of a course.
Our nice place is pretty rad though. 2 hang out rooms, a kitchen that isn't horridly small and everything is kind of laid out nicely. The only thing I don't like, everyone who fucking parks here is a jackass. I swear to god, everyone parks at a 25 degree fucking angle. I know it's shitty and compact, but come on... really? I had to find an asinine means of parking when I got here, because literally everyone parked like a jackass.
But, the main reason I've been happy lately. My happy pills finally took effect. I switched from regular omega-3, to omega-3 specifically affecting mood, and I haven't felt depressed in over a week now. I'm really happy about that, since pretty much every single day in july and a good chunk of June I spent really depressed and I was started to get to the point of scaring myself, just because it wouldn't go away. But, I was taking St. John's wort since beginning of july and it didn't really seem to work, but I started taking the new omega 3 like, a week before my final or so, and I saw change rather fast. I stopped feeling depressed before finals and while we were moving, so I knew it wasn't just my situation as well. So hopefully this is a permenant solution to a bullshit genetic defect and maybe I can finally stop writing so many fucking private entries! Mayhaps!
Oh while on the subject of genetics. I had a talk with my sister and I guess I'm more native then I thought. I'm apparently 1/16th native american as opposed to 1/32nd. Which is still the cut-off for taking advantage of the white man's dickery, I guess I was just mistaken. So we're both trying to find any means of figuring out how to prove we're of Native American descent, but neither of us really know how to find this information. We don't have the records, and it sounds like it would be hard to find the records from the state of origin. Considering it was the 1800's, in Arizon, and it consisted of an inter-racial couple of Native American descent nontheless. Soooo their most likely buried deep in the bowels of Hell, in Arizona. My sister did say something funny about this situation though, since she's trying to find proof so she can get into, I think a grad program easier? She was like, "at least you have dark hair, eye's and skin. I'm basically going to go up there and try and make them believe that I'm Native American with my pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes." Lawl.
Anyways, no electronic entertainment is really unpacked yet, besides my lappy but I've already whored that enough tonight and I'm internetted and House'd out at the moment. So I think I'll try this crazy, "read" thing.