this won't change a thing i'm sure.

May 04, 2005 20:02

this past week has been a LOOONNGGG one.
saturday we had the health fair thingy. Saia and i rocked out to Bon Jovi on the way ofcourse. i got to wear a Brocoli costume(check out my myspace for a pic). we made up a dance and the lady had us do it on stage. it was quite entertaining i must admit. i left with Nicole and Cuz. hung out for a while. i got my pictures developed from rose dance and initiation. we out to dinner with Jamie, Nicole, Carl and Dave. first time meeting Nicole's little brother and his friend. they were fun kids. we couldn't figure out how to hardboil eggs. sad? i know. we hung out with our bros for a few hours. Carl was so scared that they were going to be big and mean. "Butch get the paddle!" i downloaded New Radicals-"Get What You Give" on Sigma Nu's computer. so now they have that awesome song. oh and i definately played it too. :)
sunday was the big March of Dimes walk. oi vey. that was intense. it started off nice. most of us were walking together. then Twin and i split from the group. it started to rain. my thighs were burning. it was kinda nice though. being able to walk all of that. then it was parents day. that went well. then we had a meeting. it was my Bigs, Stacis, Nicoles and Marys last meeting. it was ROUGH. its going to be weird not having them all around. my Big is leaving me :( butttt she will be right down the street. i'll admit i bawled. i have seperation issues. i have my Little though. i'm glad she had her Big Big around for a while. after all that was done Twin, Caitlin and my Little went to Sebago. i love those girls so much.
this week has been mostly school. can't wait till its over!
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