Вот только сегодня обсуждали важность прикосновений...

Sep 03, 2019 00:20

В статье про прикосновения в психотерапии, но и общей информации довольно много. Вырву, пожалуй, пару фраз:

"Touch is often referred to as the “mother of all senses” as it is the first sense to develop in the embryo (Montagu, 1971), and all other senses-sight, sound, taste, and smell are derived from it."

"Touch is our first language. Long before we can see an image, smell an odor, taste a flavor, or hear a sound, we experience others and ourselves through touch, our only reciprocal sense. We cannot touch another without being touched ourselves..."

"Unfortunately, American babies and children are among the least touched on earth (Heller, 1997)."

"Research indicates that we are hardwired to need touch in the earliest developmental stages (Field, 1995, 2014)."

Планирование, перепост, другие языки, интеллекты, семейная консультация, психология

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