Lego Star Wars, last month in Japan

Jul 06, 2008 13:51

I recently:
-bought new shoes
-was contacted by the other grad students in my program in Germany (finally yay!)
-found a love for Lego Star Wars for ps2
-have realized I have no idea how I'm going to get my visa for Germany (oh procrastination)
-bought my flight to arrive home on August 5th! Who's coming to visit?!?

I'm also in a bit of a pickle. There was an older couple when I first got to Japan who taught me a few pottery lessons, and took me out to dinner a few times and gave me lots of presents (that part was really awkward) and since then the relationship has petered out. I'm not sure who's fault it was, I tried to contact them a few times but they were always busy or something, anyway I guess in the end I had other things I wanted to do. Well, a while ago they gave me a bike, or at least I thought they had given it to me - now it turns out they want it back. What a slap in the face! Before that it was rusting away along with three other bikes - why would they want it back? Well, probably to passive aggressive-ly slap me in the face. It sucks because I feel like I've done something wrong by basically not spending as much time with them as they wanted me to. For example, when I first me them I was going to their house like 2 times a week, and in the end I didn't have time for that, so that stopped, and then they were going to take me to Kyoto once and I really didn't want them to do that - paying for me and everything. So, I think they're hurt and disappointed. I hate that about Japanese society - you are IN or you are OUT, and there's no in between. You're either BFF forever and do everything with one another, and are never late EVER, or you're cut. Especially if you are friends with a Japanese family and not just an individual. It's a bit different with the younger generation. Ugh, this happens to so many foreign people here, and it's happened to me more than just this instance. I've totally enjoyed my time here, but my god am I ready to leave!

But really guys - Lego Star Wars. It's totally fun. You can't die and you get to be any character you want and wield a light saber when you're a jedi. Also, you can play "cooperative two player" as it is called. Glen and I have been playing it together since about noon today, and it's now 2.

In a few weeks I'm going to go to the Izu Peninsula for some rest and relaxation, onsen, camping and hiking. It should be fun! I think it'll also be my last hurrah before the big sayonara : )
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