In further news of Canadian chauvinism, the lame-asses on the radio just had a discussion about how the “average IQ is 101” and how the Canadian average is 109. Where do they even come up with this ridiculous stuff? In the race between Swedes thinking Sweden in the best country in the world and Canadians thinking that about Canada, I wonder who would win a smug-off.
I am trying to book a rental car to use in a couple weeks and this is not going what I describe as swimmingly. The internet says “you have carz!” but I can’t get them to answer the phone at the actual rental place. No big surprise there. This would be fine, but I know my mom’s gonna call in soon and ask me about this and blow up if I tell her that. I think she might be possessed. She almost had another heart attack over her cable provider. Mom, if you’re reading this, please, Valium is your friend.
This weekend we had a party that was pretty typical of Nashville. First, everyone was late. Then strange people who we never thought would show up did and turned out to be entertaining (one not so much on purpose). Lastly, a cavalcade of drunk hillbillies appeared as if on a bolt of moonshine from above and laid waste with banjos and foot stomping. They really appeared out of almost no-where. What do we do? We left with them to go to another party. Yeah, it was about as good of an idea as it sounds. WHERE IS OUR NANNY? To sign up, email me.
Yesterday, aside from praying for a swift rather than lingering death, we watched “The Departed”. Every movie should have so many hot guys doing Boston accents. I made all of my “insightful” commentary about it yesterday and don’t feel like cut-tagging this. It was much better than “Tristan and Isolde (or did they spell it Iseult?)” Holy Hannah. WOW. That movie was worse than “King Arthur” as it took itself seriously and was total CRAP. We couldn’t even watch it, but luckily a Paul Bettany movie was on when we turned it off and that sort of fixed us. Which was swiftly cut short by “Hustle and Flow.” Jesus wept. We were subjected to this movie hell experience because we can’t get a file for James Bond to work (several ways, too boring to relate). I think the moral degradation of America can be summed up with the accolades for H&F. I just give up.
Ok, going back to work. I think our friends weren’t joking about tornado season, incidentally. I thought the glass in my bedroom windows were going to shake out of their panes this morning.
Also, this is amusing:
Batman, as written by Chuck Palahniuk