Nov 02, 2006 17:56
You know those days you have where if you were the hysterical type you know you'd probably be punching someone in the face or crying? Actually, most of my friends are the hysterical type, so...oh, well forget it.
Tonight JJ and I are going to see Cory Branan, which is normally the cause of great rejoicing and heavy drinking, but for some reason we are both a little off-kilter today. I think for me it's because I was listening to the wrong music today when I was working and it sort of made me moody. Moody French music =\= good for you when it's getting dark outside at blessed 4:30 in the afternoon. WHAT THE HELL, NASHVILLE! I haven't moved far enough south, this has become clear to me now. It still gets under 45 in the winter, and I do believe this will not do for HRH.
Anyway, JJ's malfunction is that she got this job with this crackpot and he kept jacking up when he wanted her to come over and do who the hell knows what.
Also, my new piercing keeps coming out and I finally gave up and went into the shop to "discuss" this with them (read: BITCH LIKE A BITCHING COMPLAINER). Since the people at my shop are awesomecakes, I ended up just looking sort of pathetic and getting my stuff all sorted. I love the girls who work at this place because they all think the men who come in there are super skeevy and mock them behind their backs to the female clientele. This I approve of.
People in Nashville can NOT drive. I can not really blow this out of proportion because it's something so jacked up I don't even...right, so I am an "aggressive" driver *cough* and might one day die from a stroke from some TOURIST FROM FUCKING KANSAS DRIVING ON BROADWAY AT 5 P.M. On the other hand, the main fucktard causing my blood pressure today was from Escambia Co. Fla (my home county) and I was pleased it wasn't someone who might recognize me (it's hicksville, people, not out of the question) since I then flipped them off and blew my horn to make sure they saw it.
Tourists suck. You would have thought I learned my lesson on that now having only (except for two years of my life) lived in places with heavy tourist traffic. Maybe next time I'll move to DISH, Texas?
And on another front, our options in the election are Satan Incarnate and a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. Seriously, Tennessee, seriously.