Jul 17, 2005 15:19

i am sick of reading the five page spolers on the book. you all read it. you know what happens. why do you insist on telling the whole world?! if we want to know we'll call. jesus. it's a book for children. CHILDREN! im all for reading. it's good to see kids excited about something other than x-box. but really, i will kill J.K. rowling so as not to have her make anymore books. fortunately for me and the rest of the sane ppl in the world, happy potter is in a school and education has to end sometime. so after about 2 more books she'll be forced to discontiue the series. even JK is smart enough to know that she can't do a harry potter: the college years. harry goes to grad school! i think not. the demise of saved by the bell shall be mourned. and with that said there will be no hp: the new class. just as lame a concept. for those of you who share me beliefs, be strong. Harry will have to bow out, and when he does we shall celebrate with endless festivites. HP is a very good read, but ppl let's no be over zealous. it's still for 12 year olds. have some dignity.
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