[Fanfic] "Bros before Hoes" chapter 1

Jul 16, 2010 01:14


Same old story.

“So he won’t come, today either, right Kaoru?”

“I don’t think so, Totchi”

“Did you go to his house yesterday?”

“Yes, and no one opened the door. So I stayed for about two hours in my car to see if someone was inside or if someone arrives, but it was useless.” Kaoru stated while looking the hour in his mobile.

“Well, I hope that he is ok”

Kaoru nodded in agreement with Totchi.

“No, he is not. He died,” said Kyo, who had appeared right in that moment from the front door of the studio. He came in with his right arm and hand covering his face in the most dramatic gesture he could have done; it was almost like he was mourning.

Toshiya dropped his jaw, and immediately the older argued back “No, he didn’t Kyo”

“How do you know that Kaoru?”  Kyo fought back.

“Because I know Kyo. And don’t say anything else, you are scaring Toshiya. For now let’s start”

They started like usually they do. This time the first song was Cage. When the practice was over, they started packing their things up, at the time that Toshiya uttered “I’m worried about Die”

“Me too”

Kaoru nodded while Shinya answered Totchi.

“I’m not worried at all. Die is a useless piece of shit”

“How can you say that? He is your friend, and don’t even bother yourself trying to deny it, Kyo.”

“Well let me explain that to you my princess Shin. I used to like him, and he was my friend until that foocha started missing the practices and ruined our lives.”

“You cannot hate him because of that, and hi didn’t ruin your life”

“I can, and I do. Watch me doing it, Shinya”

“You are helpless and mean”

“I’m no t mean my beauty queen, the fact here is that I’m not as faggot as you three are”

“Hey, speak for them. I am not even worried”

As Kaoru was saying those words, Shinya’s eyes widened.

“Aren’t you worried at all?”  Shinya asked still not believing his ears.

“No, I’m not. I more like Kyo, mad.”

After that statement, Kyo showed his biggest smile to Shinya and Toshiya, who were stunned because of Kaoru had said.

“But what if something happened to him?” Toshiya asked the older too worried and stoic to even pay a little attention to what Kyo was doing in sing of his triumph.

“Nothing happened to him, Totchi” Kaoru said calm Toshiya down.


Kaoru gave a sweet glared to Toshiya before looking at Kyo, who called him “If you don’t mind, let me tell Toshiya the truth about Die’s disappearance”

By that time Kaoru was kind of bored, so he thought that a story from the endless imagination of Kyo would be great at that moment.

“Okay. Let us all know the truth then Kyo.”

The unbelievable face of Kyo, let the other guys know that Kaoru surprised him as well with his decision, but without giving Kaoru the chance to change his mind, Kyo started. “Die was kidnapped”

“Kidnapped you said?”

“Are you deaf Shinya? Yes, I said kidnapped!”

“I’m not deaf Kyo; it’s just that it sounds ridiculous to me”

“Oh, I see… then you are not deaf, you are stupid”

“I’m not…”

“Yeah, yeah… whatever, let Kyo continue the story Shinya” Kaoru interrupted Shinya.

Shinya crossed his arms in sign of disapprove, but letting Kyo to continue.

“Well as I was saying before our living skeleton interrupted me.”

Shinya rolled his eyes as Kaoru giggle a bit.

“Die was kidnapped ,Totchi… by… by…..by Aliens!”

“How cool! I have always wanted to be kidnapped by aliens. Those weird little creatures are awesome!”

Shinya could do anything except to rest his chin on his hand; in the other hand Kyo and Kaoru seemed to be enjoying the situation.

“No Totchi, you don’t get it. Aliens are not cool.”

“What do you mean Kyo?

“Look Totchi, I’ll explain you. How do we identify Die? How does Die get attention?”

“Because he is tall…?”



“You are taller than him…” Kyo showed his teeth and shook his head saying no.

“Because he is kind of stupid and lack of manners?” Shinya tried to guess.

“Well yeah Shinya, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Guys come on, what is the easiest thing to notice of Die?”

“That he is almost as skinny as Shinya?”

“No Totchi, though it is true.”

Shinya gave a hurt glare to Toshiya for what he said.

“That he is ugly?”

“Oh my… you idiots, the hair! The red hair. Isn’t that the answer you were waiting for, Kyo?”

“Yes, that is the answer Kaoru”

“But the aliens, what do they have to do with Die’s red hair?”

“Everything! Now, Die’s hair is… is… GREEN!!!! They dyed Die’s hair.”

Kaoru wanted to leave the room already, he was trying too hard to not laugh because that would mean ruin Kyo’s story.

“Oh no… Poor Die, he really loves his red hair! But we can dye it back to red again, can’t we?”

“Yes we can, Totchi.”

“Shinya, why you have to be such a pussy? You are spoiling the fun” Kyo asked Shinya looking at him with disgust. Then he turned his face to Toshiya and continued “But as I was telling you Totchi, before our annoying living stick interrupted me, Aliens also put some dangerous devises in his belly because they were bored. Die now has some kind of tentacles coming out from his back! He looks like a monster. That is horrible to see. I was so scared when I found him in the bottom of that well”

And then again, there was Kyo acting and making such a drama.

Shinya got more interested in Kyo’s lies, so he asked him “What well?”

“One that I know.”

“But which one and where is it? And how is that, according to your story, Die the “Monster” ended up there, right in the bottom of that well you know?”

“How am I supposed to know that, Shinya?”  Kyo exchanged an angry glare with Shinya.

“Hmm, since you are the one who found him, I thought you would know.”

“You will see Emily, the…” But before Kyo could continue, Shinya interrupted him again.


“Yes, wasn’t that the name of the corpse bride of that American movie?”

This time Kyo’s creativity went beyond Kaoru’s limits, that way he ended up nodding and laughing heavily.

“I hate you, Kyo!”

“Yes, you do. Now shut up and listen to me Shinya, but listen to me clearly because you seem to have some problems with your ears.  Since I’m not an alien, and I’m sure that you aren’t either, you look like one though… ewwww” Kyo shrunk his shoulders and made a gesture of disgust “…as I was saying, I don’t understand anything of what they do.”

Toshiya who was paying attention to every single word that came out from Kyo’s mouth, was already on his knees with his face all white, and about to cry.

“Since you are the one who is making up the story, I thought you may wanna tell us.”

“And since you don’t shut up your sucker mouth, I won’t be able to finish my story.”

“So that was another of your lies, Kyo?” Toshiya rose his face to meet Kyo’s eyes.

“Ahhh… no.” Lied Kyo.

“It was, wasn’t it?”

Kaoru decided to stay where he was, and Shinya moved near to Kaoru’s side. The farer he was from Totchi, the best.

“Come on Totchi, you can believe it deep down in your heart” Kyo smiled hoping his smile would help him against Toto’s fury.

“You are always lying to me, and I’m done!”

Toshiya grabbed Kyo by the thin neck and lifted him in the air, then push him against the wall still hanging in Totchi’s fists, strangling him.

Kaoru wondered if he should help Kyo or just let him have what he deserved for bother and push Toshiya so far. Although Shinya was pulling Toshiya’s arm to make him react and to help Kyo, it was useless because exactly at that moment the door opened making a distracting sound.

For Totchi it was a big surprised, that he dropped Kyo to the floor when he saw the man that appeared in front of the open door. It was Die.

dir en grey, fanfic

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