Feb 07, 2007 23:04
Oh, why, hellllo.
It's been a while. Second semester has started. 5 weeks ago? Anyway, it's going well so far, I think I may not only pass physics this semester, but even pull of an A or B. Niiice. All the other classes are good except maybe spanish, but we'll save that story for another day.
We find out about our Hawaii trip one week from today. Cross your fingers. And toes.
Nina, Claire and I spent 2 and a half hours in the ER today. Apparently, earrings from Claire's (the store, not the roommate) are made out of bacteria and instantly cause your ear to swell up and look like it ate a whale and is storing it in your cartilage. I got scalpelled (I make up words, okay?) and it hurt like a you know what, but I had to do something, it was pretty weird and painful.
The Incubus concert last friday was postponed, and as I was informed today, is rescheduled for May 22nd. I'm kind of glad they decided to wait until after their European tour because now I know I won't have to worry about missing any more classes. I'm excited.
Everything else is good. I love life. The end?