i see no bravery

Jun 05, 2006 00:35


Well, it's been a while, but I guess I just never really felt the need to update since there wasn't much to update about.

Since I've been home I've basically just been working & hanging out with mis amigos. As I've stated before- I LOVE my job. It's seriously amazing. I'm a bartender/waitress at Hawthorne Valley and there hasn't been one night that I haven't come home with at least 12-13 dollars an hour. Not to mention the fact that everyone I work with & all the customers are hilarious & way cute. Annnd, it's a 3 minute drive which means I won't be spending my paycheck on gas. There has only been one night that I haven't enjoyed myself, which was last Thursday- the night I decided to be a moron & pass out in the kitchen. This resulted in me almost breaking a leg, hurting the crap out of my back, and about 10 different ugly bumps & bruises. Now that I think about it, after I calmed down, that night was actually kind of fun still. Yes, you all should be jealous of my sweet job.

Memorial Day weekend was very fun. We all spent basically all day Saturday over Dave's house bbbq-ing, watching the Pistons/Tigers, getting a little tipsy, taking pictures and burning public property. Besides all the stupid highschool shit going on, it was a good time. I was upset about the fact that Katelyn & Em were hanging out that night and I didn't get to join in on the fun.. But don't worry- we will all get together soon!

Annndd.. Friday was pretty cool too. Nick & I got all dressed up, went on a date @ Champps, and made an appearance at GC's prom. I was very very happy that I got to crown Miss Elizabeth. She is probably the most adorable thing ever. And Sackllah's pretty cool too I guess, haha. It was pretty cool to be able to go back & see it and everything, but it was just another realization that I'm growing up, which is not on my list of Favorite Things To Do. whatev though, it's not like I can change it.

Speaking of growing up, it seems like there's a group of our friends who are actually doing that, and then there's another group that seems to be decreasing their maturity levels. I don't know, it's just a little weird I guess.

I'm getting pretty excited about next year- I can't wait to live in our townhouse, and hang out with mis amigos de Kalamazoooo! :) Give me another month or two & I'll be crying my eyes out about moving out again, but at least this time I know what to expect & I actually have people I know, so I know it won't be bad. I'm glad I stuck with it, I can't even imagine not going back now.

Ps. Allergies are a bunch of skankhoes. And Jen & I are going to beat their little allergy asses. Oh shoot, don't even ask.

On that note, I'm going to bed now. See you later alligator ;)
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