If anyone actually keeps up with this (i.e andy, since you've been telling me i need to update) I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've done anything with this. It's not that nothing good has been going on, i guess it's just that I've been pretty busy lately. But i can't complain and I won't. I have been EVEN HAPPIER than usual. Yea yea i didn't think that it was possible either,but hey it happens. anyway, I hope that I can start making posts regularly again.
lemme give some shoutouts:
"shoot it, kaboot it."- for god's sake let's rock tomorrow. andy i miss you. downtown is ours.
"miss me or what?"- alan...we need to hang out for REAL.
"chinese food needs to go down"- sam....we need to go get some!
"stranger where have you been?"- bobby...where the hell are you?
"babeh!"- ant...you were def. on something tonight.
"korean!"- nuff said. philip i miss you kid.
"sorry i missed you"- rickolas i think i'll call you tomorrow.
"WHOA WHOA! WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!"- chevon, you+me=total hang out/fun.
everyone else, I LOVE YOU and if i forgot to give you a special shoutout leave me a comment and i will in the next post JUST FOR YOU.
first i went to anthony's house so we could go to wal-mart, watched him and nick play foozball and then got ready and left.
total bathroom party
once we got there, it was MANDATORY to get some hot pics.
but this was the best they could do. ;)
we thought it'd be best to check out the toys.
oh and it was.
but i never thought it'd come to this:
and that's not me with those babies on.
you guessed it.
nick decided to join in too and a certain grandma gave him lip about it.
we rolled her in the p-lot.you know how we do.
after we left, anthony insisted that we went to david and steven's b/c his babeh was all alone. we woke steven up, decided we were having a spaghetti dinner party and headed back to wal-mart. dropped ant off at steven's with the food and nick and i went to pick up chris. <3
when we got back the house was clean, and we were ready to cook.
it was all done and asian, ant, and laura decided to go get some stuff. so we waited to eat till they got back.
but once they did, it was "on like donkey kong".
and it was good. AMEN.
but right after dinner, things got a little rowdy and blood was shed. lol poor steven. he'll never try to kiss ryan again.
all in all it was me, chris, ant, nick, steven, laura, asian, ryan, ryan's gf, and kody. and dinner was superb. thanks to steven and i. We did all the cookin.
and according to nick, we can be a clan/klan now. lol
it was a looooong day but oh so much fun.
if anyone wants to hang out this week, call the cell or leave me a message. we should totally go out. <3 you guys. peace.