Mar 15, 2005 15:56
Today royally blew! I had to go to school like 40 min early, I looked like death, coming back from lunch me and this dude head butted! yeah I almost passed out. It was killer. So then were sitting there reading MacBeth & im chewing my gum....yeahh my f-ing tooth breaks off! Yeah that's f-ing tooth! Im rather hysterical at the moment, all I want to do is sleep. But gets this, my mom thought I had a concussion; so she calls the hospital and they say that I prolly do and not to let me sleep! I cant eat, or drink anything...or sleep. So there goes all of my hobbies.
So here I am, balling my eyes out with nothing to do, watching MY SWEET 16. All those beautiful girls...who have all there f-ing teeth, AND who are simply perfect....oh my so dizzy....
Ash's car broke down today also...