Oct 02, 2004 00:17
lets see, ive havent updated in a long long time. so therefore, i think i will
school has been okay for the most part. im pretty dissapointed that my lovely one isnt in my lunch period or gym or ANYTHING with me, but somehow we'll get through the year. ive been going to lunch with chloe, jackie, bento, and sometimes rob. its okay, except chloe always gets mad and for the past week, it has been about the sims 2 n she has had so many instances in which she wanted to beat bento up. but yeah. other than that its okay. first period like always, SUX. every day. mr maiello is s0o cheezy and not at all funny. he treats us like were beginning our freakin instruments and gives us the easiest music ever. i feel like a freakin retard in that class. damn we need z back. also, to add to that, were going to TORONTO. who the fuck brings a music group to toronto. i mean i never thought id say this but take some lessons from condari, lets go to hawaii! or even let us have the plans z gave us this year. california! how hottness wud that be?! damn retarded teacher. second period has been better than i thought it would be in the beginning of the year. its not as hard probli bcuz im just relli bad at remembering stuff. sasso likes me from wut i know. he laffs at me alot which isnt to wonderful but hey, wutever! our pantomime play came out good. we got an A+ from wut i heard. i cant wait to see me strip on tape.. hahaha. i have to do my most embarassing moment speech on monday. damn im gona be so nervous and shaking up there its not even gona be funny. well, wish me luck! third period is a bitch. its soo boring and i knt stand to read the cruscible and bring my text book to class every day. crazy teacher. we alreadi had a project to do which was histerical because it was on puritan crime and punishments and chloe didnt do her part. then she started our report off with "puritans were boring people" hahaha - i found that funny. fourth period is okay. her quizzes arent that hard or anything, i should study this year.i swear im gona, sometime. at least once. miss weiss likes me i think. she gives me answers to stuff all the time and idk. she likes me tho. she commented that i was "so cute" cuz in that class im always so clueless. but yea, i gess my cluelessness is helping me i this class. it also helps me with sasso too! g0o me. math sux like always. i mean if u have viv, theres not much more to say except GRR. lunch is just.. wonderful. and gym is okay. gator ball sux butt tho. but i love my gym class, i have absolutely noone in there and ALL the girls r s0o unathletic its not even funny xcept kelly rauco. so i actually look good there and i dont have to try to get credit and stuff.. pwahhaha. then naumoffs class is a butthole. i hate him! hes so insanely retarded. i dont think he has an accent like he says, def not, its just his fat when he talks, it plops down over his mouth to make that sort of "accent"
soccer is getting a little better, im still not playing much. were doing well this season tho - 5 goals against us and 17 for us. 3 of em was scored by paramas in the 3 to 1 game againast paramas, so for the rest of the 6 games we onli let up 2 goals. wh0ot! i think its pretty crazy. our record so far is 5-2-0 i think. pretty sure.
tonite we played poker. it was rob, veets, chloe, jackie and me. bento ended up not coming - AGAIN, well wut cud we expect. hahah. i think im going to the mall tomorrow. not sure though. i want to kinda. haha.
i have a game in the morning - have to be at the skool at 8:45. its against paramas catholic, give us some luck! and me some luck to get some playing time! wh0ot. latersssss