Just came up with this quick ficlet, had to write it down. :D
Oh, hi, Maya. How're things at Comiket?
That's nice. Pearl having fun?
What? Cosplaying as who now?
I don't know what a Chen is, but she sounds cute.
Tell me about what?
I... don't know what a Marvel *or* a Capcom is, but go ahead.
A fighting tournament? Oh, like... pro-wrestling?
Oh, okay.
Yeah, sure, that...
...what did you just say?
Maya. What do you *mean*, you 'signed me up'?
You *what*?!
Maya, I... why did you...
Maya, I don't know how to fight people! I'm a lawyer, not a wrestler!
'No Wrestlers in this one'? I don't... what's a Zangief?
Well, then, who *is* in this?
...Maya, stop, just... stop.
Okay. Maya. Listen to me. Listen to me.
What the hell am I supposed to do against... let me look at my notes here... oh, yeah... 'superheroes, supervillains, martial artists, guys with guns, a guy with a laser sword, a girl in a robot suit, a goddess in the form of a dog, a tentacled monstrosity, robots, demons, (DEEEEP BREATH) and a photographer with a baseball bat'?!
...'Wing it'?
You are SO grounded when you get back.
I don't care if I can't ground you! I'm calling Tres Bien right now and ordering a buffet in your honor for when you get home! ALL. FOR. YOU.
No, wait. First I'm going to check on my life insurance policy.