Keda had been sitting out in the stands of the Quidditch Pitch alone. It was a rather chilly and mucky day. There had been no practise schedualed so she figured it was a good place to go and think in peace. Her thoughts ran over a variety of things namely; Kingsley
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He ran a hand through his brown hair and gave out a childish grin, he felt so small when he stood in the stands, and he figured he must look small out on the pitch.
When he noticed a girl standing on her own, not too far away and gave her a wave.
"Hi," she said softly, before starring out to the pitch again, recrossing her legs.
"You're in fifth year aren't you?" he asked.
"Oh..sorry, I'm Keda." she said offering her name, she could at least afford to be polite to the kid.
He wasn't a very good conversationlist at times, he looked out at her and smiled, "so do you play?" he asked. "I started two weeks ago, Chaser"
Her best friend Ali and her boyfriend Kingsley played. However Keda still feared the heights, she would not be caught dead on one of those brooms, she found it like muggle technology, unstable.
"You like rock music?" he asked, "I know not many people round here know what it is, I'm a muggleborn so I love it."
"I think Hendrix is god." she said bluntly with a laugh. She even had a guitar, same make as his up in her room currently.
He smiled at her, "My personal favourite in Pink Floyd, they released Dark Side of the Moon last year, I have it on casette, and a cassete player" he said, not knowing if she knew what it was. Though he was hopeful considering she knew who Hendrix was.
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