Sweet, nourishing weekend.

Feb 19, 2005 08:52

Another week done and dusted. Excellent. I worked like a bastard and have actually managed to cross things of The List Of Infinite Hugeness. Much smugness is now mine, although I know the next few weeks will get more and more hectic. Still, the game is starting to come together now very nicely and I've even managed to get some modelling of my own into it, which is nice when you're a management monkey.

It was ace coming home to djimm and The Hound last night. Both were very -pleased to see me, though thankfully it was only Brass who weed on the hallways floor out of sheet excitement. He was a really good dog last night too, adn didn't start making a fuss until 6 this morning! Seems like the ultra-sonic anti barking mechanism is working - either that, or he's finally getting the message that we do come back in the morning.
This weekend sees me doing a whole laod of housework and generally chilling with the dog while djimm goes on a shopping mission.

Other good news: I've got another letter form the DTI promising me some more of my missing wages from Acclaim. How ace is that? I'm currently wrestling with the indecision of saving it for the roof replacement fund, or blowing it all on a new laptop. Curse my addictive shopping ways!

Weekends = the shizzle.
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