Feb 04, 2009 08:58
For those of you on LJ who are wondering why I defriended you out of the blue, please be reassured that I have not decided to bear you a sudden and random grudge! :)
I have very particular views about what LJ is for, and have been very happy with how it has been used so far. The small network of friends I have on LJ have my thanks for sharing their lives and thoughts with me. But I know progress is inevitable in the world of social networking, and things have become very different lately.
This brings me to the rising trend of micro-blogging.
While I care very much about my friends and their lives, I don't really want to know what people are doing minute by minute throughout the day. If I want to read micro-updates on how you are stuck in the car or eating a biscuit at work (which sometimes I actually do!), I will actively go on Facebook and read the status updates. That's what they are for :)
Because I have so few friends on LJ, my friends page shows small changes in the blogging behaviour of a few people very quickly. I like LJ because updates usually come in the form of actual prose, with links and pictures and some depth to people's experiences and thoughts. Yes Twitter is great for lots of different reasons, but I don't believe it has a place on my friends page, and so I have removed friends who use it regularly for LJ blogging. I just want to keep my friends page the way I like it . :)