Jul 30, 2003 09:05
We can't afford Messier. To quote a good friend of mine, "What the fuck are you smoking?"
Yeah, we made some calls, but it was more out of fun than anything. And who knows, you get Mess into the sauce and he might sign anything. But these kinds of phone calls are just bullshit. Think of it as a way to write off your long distance calls to your friends as work exspense. That's sort of how it is. As MacT says, "If the golf is free..."
Sometimes Craig likes to screw with reporters and that's how this whole rumor started. He let them think the calls were more seriuos than they were. But then I think he actually started to get interested in having everyone's favorite chip-shilling cueball here. And now he's writing up a proposal for me. No kidding, MacT is WORKING! Yes, I am proud. And a little concerned.
I'm sure it won't be a good proposal. It'll go something like this:
Step one: Don't pay Horcoff.
Step two: Don't pay Salo.
Step three: Give money to my hairless drinking buddy.
Though I'm sure the spelling won't be quite that good. I'm not sure what I'll do when he gives it to me. I don't know if he'll fall for the old "Paper shredder? No no, this is my inbox! Really!" again.