Memes for Sale!

Nov 25, 2004 02:01

I'm sure some of you are wondering who I am. That's probably because I have been AWOL for oh...a while. Sort of a long while, actually. This is entirely my fault and RL has best friend got married, which was high-maintenance, and then I had a friend living on my couch for two weeks. But valour has doen an admirable job kicking my ass back into gear and thusly I come forth with two memes. (I know, I still don't have actual content, just memes.)

1. The One Question Meme: Yadda yadda, internet big, yadda yadda, false intimacy, yadda yadda, ask me one question and get you one answer. :) No, really, ask me a question and I will answer it. Any question. Ask two if you're feeling daring.

2. I have many WIPs. valour has convinced me that they all need to be listed. I stuck more with passages than lines that ended with a punctuation point.


"Because you're not as important as he is!"

The words sprang forth unbidden and Viggo felt empty for their loss. He'd been carrying them around for so long, that as he remembered to breathe again, he felt a gleam of pride, a swell of smugness, for having said them. The sensation lasted bare seconds before the heat of his emotions faded and he realized that he was standing in his living room facing off with Orlando.

"Thanks, Orlando," Miranda sighed in exasperation. "Fat lot of good you're turning out to be."
--The Four Stages of Grief (working title)

"Fuck." Orlando laughs bitterly. "I don't even know what bloody country I'm in."
--The Bet (working title)

Elijah was almost as pretty as a girl, especially as Frodo, with his curls and his big blue eyes and his rosebud mouth. But Orlando had been in dingy alleys with those eyes and that mouth while Elijah cursed up a blue streak and smoked pungent cloves and was generally unfeminine and not especially ingenuous.
--Curious (working title)

Orlando's feet are bare and his hair is wild and curly. No movie star in this trailer. Just Orli.
--The Hideout

It would be a great Shakespearean comedy for that entire conversation to be something completely misunderstood, she tells herself. But Shakespeare's dead and Kate feels the same way.
--Now and Then

Drunken Elf is Orlando's new trademark drink. Three of them, three beers, and a shot of whiskey for luck--that's what it takes for Orlando to walk into the kitchen and kiss Viggo the night of his birthday.
--Drunken Elf

"It's not," Viggo says softly in the silence of the room, "that I'm not attracted to you."
--Drunken Elf, Round 2

Orlando's first words to Viggo Mortenson are, "Hey, you want an Orgasm?"
--bits and pieces from Drunken Elf, Round X

"To Orlando, then," Viggo said, his eyes still steady on hers. "Our friend. May he stay in one piece through the wrap party and beyond."
--bits and pieces from Drunken Elf, Round X

Distantly, he wonders if he can salvage the scene by acting elf-like as he passes out.
--bits and pieces from Drunken Elf, Round X

"Speak for yourself, mate," Orlando shoots back. "I'm a fucked-up person who knows exactly what he wants."
--bits and pieces from Drunken Elf, Round X

"You'd chew your own arm off before you came on to me, wouldn't you?"
--Dirty Boy Scout

She wonders where Karl is, wonders if he's getting a beer somewhere, and if he called her room to invite her along. Karl's safe, a brother she never had, and she wonders if he knows about her and Liv and what he would think of her heart breaking right now.


JC was fishing for Bass.

He misses her hair on his arm as she snuggles between him and Justin and Chris and he wonders whether growing up was so painful for him as it has been for her.
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