So when I began writing this it was the 27th, and now it's the 28th.
Man, I'm getting slow. I'm really tired actually and I should be getting to bed but my mind is screaming and pounding on my skull saying, 'You better let some of the crap in here out or I'll explode.'
Yep. That's my brain.
And then it says, 'When I say Hillshire you say Farms! Hillshire Farms! Go meat!'
Now back to my thoughts. Graduation is coming and I'm dying because the dance is the night after and it's not like you really need a date to it but I want one. And I won't get one because the guy I want to go with doesn't like me and our friendship is still really akward. Stupid me and my stupid love attaching habits.
Then there's the after-graduation party my mom's throwing the Sunday after graduation and we have loads of food and games and nonsense. Somehow, I have a feeling that people will get bored. Tsk. Tsk.
Good news : I found some really good Jrcok icons tonight, read some smutty fanfiction on a Jrcok archive, watched some Gazette behind the scenes 'off-stage' stuff that made me giggles too hard for words, and I made another journal entry.
( It's Kai! :D <3 )
Bad news : Still have to think about giving away Spot, Moo and Phantom, possibly Pandora, Wolfie (Wolfgang) is getting skinnier, I'm feeling hypocritical, the bra I'm wearing sucks, I'm agitated, I'm not speaking at graduation, and I have to pee.
Urgh. Loud noises. Mom and Dad might wake up.
Damn you cats. D:
-scurries off to bed-