>:( This isn't really working with my dying internet... BUT I'LL BE BACK YOU HEAR ME!?!!?!?! lol you better finish No One Really Knows while I'm waiting for interwebs dammit!!!! *rants and raves some more* I love that fic btw♥ rofl I'll come back and spam you in the morning 8D
Oh my god have you heard. I actually finished plotting Nobody Knows after two years of not really being able to write it blindly. And OH HAY. I'm in Japan!
But yeah. I'm going to write more to Nobody Knows and the chapters are just building up and up and the count is estimated at around 30 now. H'oshit.
lol you better finish No One Really Knows while I'm waiting for interwebs dammit!!!!
*rants and raves some more*
I love that fic btw♥ rofl I'll come back and spam you in the morning 8D
It'll hopefully look better in your inbox...
spread ToraPon love *coerces you with Poncakes*
I'll add you. Because you're fucking AWESOME. XD; <3
I will go add back!
I can't believe that even though it's been dormant for over two years-ish people still want to read it and want more. xD;
I bet loads of people do to *goes off to read*
I actually finished plotting Nobody Knows after two years of not really being able to write it blindly.
And OH HAY. I'm in Japan!
But yeah. I'm going to write more to Nobody Knows and the chapters are just building up and up and the count is estimated at around 30 now. H'oshit.
I'm excited for you and me |D I can't wait to read this all over again and good luck in Japan O_O! Makes me want to study or teach abroad right now!
Thanks! I'm totally looking forward to writing it because I need something creative to do! :'D
The plot now has so many twists and turns. OH MY. <3
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