title: Hair, Silk same thing
rating: g (damn it)
warnings: completely AU
note: in one instance i read something about the guy bringing her silk to make a ladder and since i couldn't bring myself to draw long hair on kirk i went for the silk so shot me lol xD
drabble go by
murf1307word count: 102
They'd never touched before, separated as they were by the height of the door less tower where he was kept prisoner. So much feeling pent up within them made their hearts want to burst with longing as they had gazed upon each other from afar, speaking to each other words of devotion and dreams of the future, when he would finally be free of this place. He loved his raven haired friend, and, though that friend was not prone to many displays of affection, he knew that the feeling was returned.
So, when they finally touched, he knew no words were needed.