oh no's i sexualized(made up word..maybe) spock *gasp* not only was the first pic i ever showed them kissing was done for the K/S calender earlier this month, and this is the first pic i have them engaging in a sexual activity =O sure i had a post coital moment but drawing hte pr0n always makes me edgy(no matter how lil it is)...as noted by this ridiculously long rant >.< lol
anyway on to the kinda sorta smuty-ish pic.
title: Closet (stop laughing lol)
rating: R
paring: Kirk/Spock
warning: clothes are on but someones hand is 'wandering'
note: i was perusing the st_kink_meme last night and stumbled upon this *and do to my forgetting web page formatting/html in high school its just a link* complete smut btw hehe
http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink_meme/3516.html?thread=3787452#t3787452 and as circumstances being what they are i drew it lol
and a side note, this is my first pic with out having previously drawn then scanned the line art to redo it in corel. so ofcourse that stackes a whole nother set of anxiousness lol ok ok im posting the damn pic now.