Feb 04, 2010 13:01
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- 12:50 @ moosimusmaximus No shit! O_O On an unrelated note, u should come down for Mardi Gras, Jon misses u! ;3 #
- 12:52 So if I "drive like a fucking moron" in the parking garage, driving NOT like a fucking moron = going 2 miles an hour, yes? #
- 12:53 Oh, passive-aggressive note writer, you will pay by experiencing the same unbearable impatience u inflict upon me >:] ...Stupid bitch. #
- 12:55 @ guy_gardnercg Damn skippy! Cept u bring the pork rinds if u want em, lol. I'll letcha know what time to get there once I figure it out #
- 13:02 @ mcclainjohnson Hey dude are you going to Republic Friday? What about a parade b4?? #
- 16:29 WORD! RT @guy_gardnercg @moosimusmaximus oh now you admit it :p...and listen to Katie...you need to come down here for Mardi Gras #
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