WI Democratic state senators doing thier job

Feb 19, 2011 23:08

A hand delivered letter to Governer Walker from the State Senate minorty leader

"February 18, 2011 The Honorable Scott Walker Governor, State of Wisconsin 115 East, State Capitol Madison, WI 53701 HAND DELIVERED

Dear Governor Walker,
We've learned that earlier today public employees across the state made very clear their willingness to cooperatively accept additional pension and health insurance concessions in order to do their part to help Wisconsin close a 2011 budget gap, and to assist in reducing the state's deficit going forward.

This development confirms to us that the Capitol demonstrations all this week were not about an unwillingness to bargain pension or health insurance concessions, but rather about the devastating and unprecedented elimination of essential collective bargaining rights for public workers.

Consequently, we strongly and respectfully urge you to request that Senate and Assembly Republicans modify your budget repair legislation to remove all references to collective bargaining for all public employees.
We believe our request reflects a point of view shared by many all across the state, but perhaps most significantly by a variety of religious leaders who have expressed a sincere interest in bringing resolution to what has developed into a deeply divisive environment that threatens progress on so many other pressing state social and economic issues. We also it believe would speed closure on this issue by meeting with those leaders to listen to their concerns. Sincerely, Senator Mark Miller
Senate Minority Leader"

They are willing to compromise, all they want now is the Unions to have collective bargaining back.  Even tho most state union employees will have a 20% pay cut.

removing collective bargaining from the State Unions does not harm or hurt the the current budget. It is nothing more then an attempt to break up Unions.  70,000 people on the state capitol lawn and inside the rotunda know it
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