Nov 29, 2005 09:56

I was thinkin about stuff last night. I was thinkin about where I've been this past year and it's crazy the things I've done. This time last year I was into Dan. That was such a long time ago, but it really doesn't seem like that long. Oh, how time does fly. Then there was that whole Steve thing... Ha ha ha, ridiculous. Then the John thing flew by super fast. It felt like I dated that kid for a week. Maybe it was cause I had so much fun with the kid. Who knows. Anyways, I grduated and I moved out and now I'm living on my own. I think I've grown up a lot so far this year, but I also think I've learned that life doesn't need to be so serious all the time and having fun is important and you can't go on moping around and being miserable and feeling sorry for yourself. You just gotta pick yourself up and get back out there and enjoy life. No sense in dwelling on the past because it happened and there's nothing you can do about it, you just have to let it make you a better person. he he he, I must say, I AM enjoying life right now. I feel good. I feel happy. I can't wait to go home for Christmas and not have to worry about studying or homework. I can just relax for serious and have a good time with all my friends and my family. You know, the people that are always gonna be there and aren't gonna give up on me, the people that are most important. Thanks, you guys, for everything. For keeping me smiling and whatnot. For all the good times. I love you guys.

Orgo exam in a week, lab exam in 2 days. ::cries::

Much love, motherfuckers.
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