Jul 05, 2006 22:32
so...i was just looking at some old live journal entries and i found this...lol
Current mood: giddy
Current music: my lil bro yelling
December 20, 2005, my new favorite day. i have the greatest novio ever! hmm, i miss him already though. he should be close to florida by now. maybe another hour or two. i still feel so stupid for letting myself fall for jackass again when i could have had the best time and the xmas dance with jon. ohwell. yay. besides everyday homelife, i'm on cLoUd 9!!!! it's nice to finally have someone who i know cares a lot about me. i really like that feeling! i don't care what people think, nor what they say, cause i rEaLlY lIkE him and it fEeLs RiGhT!!!! and if i did care, i wouldn't be with him but I AM!!!!!!!!!! i'm soooo cheesy, i love it. sooo second grade!
jOn & KeLsEy
December 20, 2005
dum dum dum
helplessly in love.......