Oct 02, 2007 02:12
Ok so its 2am and im awake - not all that unusual. But, I have a new neighbour since the couple with the two little kids sold the house and moved out. I havent formally introduced myself to the new neighbours with all the Bronchitis and Whooping Cough goodness I have been feeling lately. Must remember to do that. But they have two dogs - a german shepherd and some tiny yappy thing.
Well its 2am and the tiny yappie thing is running around their yard like a nutcase barking at everything and anything. When you live alone that just does NOT help with the whole good night sleep thing. Makes me think someone might be lurking outside my house trying to get in, even though my own dog who is outside patroling the yard hasnt made a sound.
On a side note - got both assignments written even with half a lung coughed up every 5 minutes. Im a TT addict - love it, though not sure how my internet usage is feeling just now *laughs*
Tiredness smashing me now - must sleep