Jun 20, 2007 09:56
Name: Kandis
Single or Taken: Very single
Sex: Of the female variety
Birthday: September 12
Sign: Virgo
Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters
Hair color: Funky fire engine red with black streaking through it
Eye color: Green
Height: 175cm or 5 foot 9 inches
. : R E L A T I O N S H I P S : .
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Negative
What is your longest relationship?: 3 years
What was your shortest relationship?: a few weeks
. : F A S H I O N | S T U F F : .
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: I hate shopping
Any tattoos or piercings: 16 tattoos and several piercings
Favorite brand? Don’t really have one
What is your sexiest outfit? Well it really does depend on the occasion but Im told my corset style black lace lingerie is pretty hot.
What do u wear most the time?: Jeans and a polo shirt
. : S P E C I F I C S : .
Do you do drugs?: No.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene
What are you most scared of?: failure
Who is the last person that called you?: Work - how fucking sad is that?
Where do you want to get married?: On a beach
What would you change about yourself?: I would probably dial down my intensity a little
. : F A V O R I T E S : .
Colors: Purple, dark blue, black
Foods: Mum’s lamb casserole
Girls name: Havent decided, though I loved Charlotte but my sister stole it. I do like Madison and Mackenzie as well though.
Boys name: Gawd lets see…..Tyler, Dylan, Ethan, Lachlan, Malachai
Subjects in school: HPE, Maths (yes im a nerd)
Animals: Dogs
. : H A V E | Y O U | E V E R : .
Given anyone a bath?: Yes a long time ago
Smoked?: Yes, I am a social smoker.
Made yourself throw up?: No I cant do the whole gag thing
Skinny dipped?: Once
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Probably when I was young but not recently *laughs*
Cried when someone died?: Yes
Lied: Yes
Fallen for your best friend?: Yes
Been rejected?: Regularly
Rejected someone?: Yes, though its rare
Used someone?: Yes.
Done something you regret?: Yes - lots of yes answers here
. : C U R R E N T : .
Clothes: Black trackies, blue socks, grey sweat shirt and a cream coloured blanket. How attractive - no wonder im single!
Annoyance: These freezing fricken temps.
Smell: The heater burning the dust away
DVD in player: Kiss the girls
. : L A S T | P E R S O N : .
You touched: My sister Sam
Hugged: Richie
You yelled at: Does my dog count?
. : A R E | Y O U : .
Understanding: More than most
Open minded: definitely
Insecure: About some things, yes.
Random: Depending on my mood I can be
Hungry: Not at the moment.
Smart: yes - refer to the nerd comment earlier.
Moody: I can be
Hard working: Yes, definitely.
Organized: Im a virgo - of course Im organised
Healthy: Mostly.
Shy: Oddly yes. Im hopeless at talking to people im interested in. Makes meeting someone difficult.
Difficult: I can be.
Obsessed: I wouldn’t say obsessed.
Angry: I can get angry, for sure
Sad: In part, I am always a little sad.
Happy: Usually.
. : W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A : .
Kill?: No one….yet.
Slap?: My ex.
. : W H O : .
Makes you smile: Lots of people. My niece, my friends, my family most of the time, my dog.
. : D O | Y O U | E V E R : .
Sit on the Internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: I would say no. I like my sleep, the little of it I get.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Not really, sometimes when im out with the boys I jokingly say it would be easier if I was a gay man (im usually surrounded by them at the time).
Wish you were younger: No im only 25.
. : N U M B E R : .
Of scars on my body: 346 - don’t ask.
. : Y O U R | T H O U G H T S : .
I am: nervous about my holiday
I want: to feel that excitement when someone holds your hand or kisses you again.
I hear: the heater drowning out the tapping of the keys
I hate: being punished for something I did a long time ago.
I fear: I will never be given the chance to achieve my dream because of a lying, spineless bitch