May 29, 2006 20:29
so things are pretty good here. we got rid of the boxes so now it's just a matter of putting everything away. i get distracted easily so of course i havent done much at all... but oh well.
Kyle came to visit me today. made me happy! we ate at an Italian place and then went to the mall. because it was one of the only places open.
i'll have my lisense wednesday! i'm going down there to stay with sayaka wednesday night because i have to talk to my mom about some things. i'm sure that'll be a blast. I already took the drivers test so now its just the written. :S for some reason i'm more nervous for this one than i was for the driving one.
I guess that's all i have to say for now. i miss everyone already:( and it's only been a few days. if anyone is ever in greenwood, they better let me know.