Yay for today!

Jul 13, 2004 03:04

Well i had a pretty fun day. I woke up at 10:30 from Samantha Deyonker calling my cellular device, with top secret information about going to the beach. no it wasnt top secret but still. it was raining but we still decided to go so linds came and got me and we got kaitlyn then us four went to find spring mills pond. we kinda got lost, just alil bit but we found it. When we pulled up to this place to give money so we could go in, there was this guy, and we were like is this where we go to get to spring mills pond ((when there was a sign RIGHT in front of us telling us to go right)) and hes like yeah you go right, right here. and were like oh ok, do we have to pay? and hes like yeah it will be 6 dollars for a day pass. as we drive off kaitlyn said that he was really cute. but i didnt look at him very well so i guess we had a hot guy working that day. and then we drive down this road and it took forever we didnt think that this pond thing was really there. when we finally pull up... its what the name says it is. Its a fucking pond. and the water was like green. it was really warm but wow... it was alil weird. so we got back in the car and decided to go check out kent lake beach and we went there and i went in the water to feel it but there was like green stuff covering the bottom.. it was kinda sick, so we left again. we didnt end up swimming, i mean come on now.. it was raining and cloudy!

So we went to a gas station, but there was no where to park because there were signs all over the place that said no parking at anytime. but we parked anyways. i got a frozen coke and kait and linds got some comdos and sam got.. uhh i donno. but then we decided to go to target. even tho we didnt have any money. oh well. so we went and walked around, then we managed to sit on the floor for like 45 minutes and read some magazines, that was fun. andddd then we went to kaitlyns house and we watch the sweetest thing. "Look its Jesus! Its Jesus!" "ahhhh FUCK grandma!" oo man that was some funny stuff right there. then linds took me and samannnntha home and i crashed. i took about a 3 hour nap but it was WONDERFUL!

Then i woke up and did nothing. because uhh, i have no friends. no one really likes to hang out with me anymore. tahts like that 15 night in a row that i spent it at home... alone... so yeah. but then i watched angels in the outfield. that was cool i guess? and then i thought i was gonna go to bed early at like 12... but no. i sat up with my sister and went through ALL of our old pictures. omy LORD! there is this one picture of me as a baby and i was like in one of these baby bathing tubs thingys. and i counted that i had 14 rolls. thats how fat i was.. i was over flowing in the bathtub. it was horrible. ooo man but if you wanna see it just tell me cause im gonna scan it! haha its GREAT.. it makes me giggle. yeah so its 3:16 in the f-in morning. its kinda late huh? i bet all you guys are sleeping right now. fucking party poopers. justtt kidding :D

GREAT NEWS! my grandmas heart surgery went great! ((Kristin i guess you were right when you commented and said taht she will be ok. :) aw i miss u kristin!)) but shes like all hooked up to all these machines.. eek tahts scary. but yeah, im glad shes ok :)

yeah so tomorrow... is the usual of course. doing NOTHING! because i dont have friends and i dont have a family. im alone... allllllllllllllll alone lol no jk?.... anyways, i believe wednesday im hanging out with sarah fucking bell! GODDDDDDDDDDDDD that makes me so excited! i think im gonna start crying lol i miss taht woman so much o mannnn, so thats gonna be fun. then thursday i donno i talked to mr. ryan warwick and me and him might go see spiderman 2 during the day, aw i miss taht kid too! so yes. yes yes yes.

well i guess im gonna be off to bed now. prolly not tho but still. nite e nite.

<3 The one and only
Kimberly Alice

We Could Make it Work...
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