Happy Birthday Kristin!

Jun 16, 2004 17:29

sunday: went to kimmys brothers graduation party, chrissy was there and matt and phil came and we played some volleyball and some cards. and then i came home and took a shower. then lindsey and kaitlyn came and picked me up and we went to kali's. i brought my big cowboy hat... yeahhhh that was my entrance. took care of danny parsell all night... that loser... i got his puke on my pants lol. what a funny kid. not a good night. i seriously thought i wanted to die. im not saying why............. you should know. i didnt see at all that night. only a half hour. then everyone woke up from laura pat and clark. lol more from clarks laugh. god what a funny kid.

Monday: morningish... everyone kinda just left... since clark pat and laura woke everyone up at 7:30 in the morning lol. but me danny rich and caira just sat in the basement and talked for awhile. lol what funny ppl. Rich and his sock.. OMG that was so funny he got so confused cause his sock was all dirty... just one of his socks. then they left and my mom came and got me. i was dead. with only a half hour of sleep... not good. so me n my mom went out to breakfast. and then to the carwash and then to target, meijers and walmart. yeah came home at like 11:45 and i feel asleep... took a 8 hour nap and then woke up from matt phil sean and ryan at the door. talked to them then went to matts house for a lil bonfire. that was fun even tho i was still like half asleep. then i came home... and went to bed.

Yesterday: damn yesterday was fuckkedddd upppppp. ok well i get up and alyssa calls me, so i layed outside for a big and then alyssa comes over and we just chil and i take a shower. and we go and get food and pop for the bonfire/pistons game.. then chrissy and bryan came over. and i "tried" starting the bonfire but it wouldnt go.. damnit. then tasha carly and lauren came... and then kelsey emily and sam came. and then matt and phil came.. and then eddie came. and then ashlee and nikki... and thennnnn kimmy josh ryan nick and amber. then russell showed up and then danny showed up. then kristin jen laura and lindsey came. and i know there were more but i cant even remember all the names. so we all just sat around the bonfire.. and some were watching the game. then me sam jenny laura kristin and lindsey went into the basement for a lil bit and talked and watched the game... buttttt then the bitchy mom kicked us out. so then we just sat around the bonfire talking bout movies and kristin getting her license. lol and kristin and everyone going on a trip to the waterpark! lol everything was going fineeeeee... everyone was having fun and laughing and just having a ball... but then my mom came out.. smelled something and started walking around and found some ppl smokingggg... lol that wasnt to good. and a couple times pat clark matt dimitri tony and all them ran by the bon fire in the boxers ((which they turned to thongs)) and threw water balloons at us. but then we all go back to watch the last like 5 minutes of the game but then i look back and see a HUGE ass fucking flame from the fire. so i start runnnning to the fire.. grab the thing of water and throw it on it. yupp... someone fucking threw one of our good lawn chairs into the fire. fucking ASSS holes have nohting better to do with their life. so my mom came out and it was just fukcing hell so i walked around screaming looking for the ass holes who did it. nope.. didnt find them. sons of bitches. then everyone left and me bryan kelsey and alyssa sat in the front yard till like 1:30 and sam and pat come by and talked to us. then clark came and got them. then we just went downstiars and went to bed. but i had something flying around my head so i didnt fall asleep that easly. fell asleep around 2:30 and then we woke up at 1.

Today: just sat around, not really in the mood to talk to anyone cause todays a fucking bitch. i hate everyone. kelsey left and then alyssa left. i think tonight im just staying home and me and bryan are gonna watch a couple movies. that should be fun, we havent done that in awhile.

theres something seriously wrong with me. i havent been able to eat. sunday i only ate breakfast and nothing the rest of the night. then i wake up and go out to breakfast and i could only eat a piece of french toast and i thought i was gonna throw up. then i didnt eat anything till i got home froms matts n i only ate a lil and i threw up. then yesterday i only ate a piece of toast and lil bit of mac n chesse and i thought i was gonna throw up. whats wrong with me? my gosh its starting to scare me. i've lost weight from it too! AHHHHHHHHHH help me.

today i put your teddy bear away. its now stored up with all the rest of my teddy bears. i used to still sleep with it... but now i cant. it hurts me to much to look at it. i also put away all of the things you have given to me. and all the things that i have saved. all of your notes... the valentines day card. all the pictures.... everything. you hurt me so bad. i will never throw any of that away... but i do hope that all those pictures of me... like my one picture of me when i was like 5 on the lil horse... you will at least keep.. and dont through away. but if you do plan on throwing any of the pictures away... dont... just give them to me... ill understand. i guess your happy now... and i guess thats all that counts. but just remember what you could have had... and what you did have. Cause i dont think you'll ever be able to have that again. Im sorry.... but you fucked up.... not me. so all i can say now is goodbye... because i think i have grown to hate you for this. Like you said... i deserve better... now i know... your right. i do deserve better. But your happy now.. with her. and shes happy too. so thats all i care about now. But i guess i was really never good enough... since you got over me so darn fast. But whatever. its your loss. Im sorry brandon, for whatever i have put you threw in the past. But this is it. all i can say now... is thank you. Thank you for what we did have together. And goodbye.

I only wish this could happen to you

<333 Much Love,
Special K

Chubby Cheeks is gone forever

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN! I love you child... lol i hope you have a great birthday. And i bet your so pumped up for your license! you lucky lucky girl you! lol well last night was fun.. im glad you came! Happy Sweet 16!
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