(no subject)

Jun 06, 2004 16:19

hmm lets see. Friday i came home and took a nap. then brandon came and got me and we went to the pops concert. uhh i guess it was ok. it wasnt anything great. it was really weird sitting next to him tho :/ but i gues theres nothing i can do :[ but after he took me home and i just sat around and went to bed. then saturday i woke up and cleaned my boat with my sister then i layed out since it was a beautiful day outside. and then i came in and had a sandwich and then went to the beach. and ryan pushed me in. that fucker. and it was warm but not. i donno there was a bunch of us it was fun tho. and then kelsey and ryan swam out to the raft but i didnt want to go so for awhile i just sat aorund with bryan nick drew marlie, lil carroll! and ang. andddd sean. and some other. then we all just sat on the dock and talked. while kelsey and ryan were all having lil water wars in the lake. lol gosh they kill me. and then we went to ryans house and we had some foood. and then me and kelsey came back to my house and we took showers (not together) and then me kelsey bryan ryan sean went to kimmys house for a bonfire. and amber was there. we had fun. we jumped on the tramp. lol anddd we went for a walk. thennn had a pizza. each slice was a foot long. it was so coool dude! sean ate like 4 slices.. it was sick. but for the rest of the night we just sat around the bonfire. sean and bryan called ppl and like messed around iwth them saying they were gonna kill them n crap it was funny. and we told like scary lil stories and crap. and then we left and when i got home i went to the bonfire in the park. and a lil fire spark went in my eye. i was like blind for like the rest of the night it hurt so bad. then i just came back and listened to some country music lol and went to bed. yepp and now im just sitting around being cool since no one likes to talk to me anymore. whatever i guess.

im out.

<33333 Chubby Cheeks.
always and forever.

i miss him.
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