
May 11, 2004 22:13

Pick any 15 LiveJournal users on your friends list. Without revealing their names, say something to each of them. Never reveal who is what:

ok these are all people from my friends list...

1. i didnt really kno you last year, we werent friends. but this year we are... really close friends. we have our "boys" that we watched everyday. lunch together... and always some how ended up after school together... when we dont plan it.

2. you were my best friend last year. we were always together... school nights, weekends... everywhere together. we got in some big fights tho. cried, laughed, joked... everything... but in the end... we went two ways... and we sometimes hang out when we see each other... but i miss you.. and you know that... and next year, i hope that all changes.

3. me you and alyssa... 3rd and 5th grade man.... always together... god we were sisters... things started to change once we got to like 7th grade our friendship totally kinda went blahhhh but now you have changed back to the person i used to kno... and i miss that... and i kno amanda and alyssa does too... history... thats all i gotta say... and chapstick being thrown across the room... and hitting eric... TWICE... oooooooooo man that was some funny shit... and us laughing bout it like 500 days after... what losers we are...

5. science class... 4th hour... friedman... me always yelling at that lil shit in that class... i forget this name tho. and our song... yep... thats the way i like it.... and bad girls... and uck... oo yeah

6.cedar point... summer going into 6th grade... me you bryan kimmy and my dad... all night.... bugs on kimmy... shower naked then change infront of bryan... damn... those were the good old days.

7. i met you last year... at the park with bryan and katie... you pants katie... and then me you and bryan went for a walk into the cemetary... into the woods... kinda weird but fun. then that year we became best friends. we were so much alike and never gotten in any fights... we hung out a lot over the summer. WHMFW YNROH... elmo and cookie monster hats... day with candi.. going to dennys late at night with candi and ashlee... weekend with me over mid-winter break... you at central... me and you dont talk anymore... what happened?

8.your in a grade below me... but last year we talked a lot. i helped you out with some boy problems sometimes.. with dan. You dan and jonny and alyssa over at my house after loon lakes spring fair... me and you always talking and laughing at pool parties. me and you helping keith get gum out of his hair...i miss you guys that are in 8th grade now... ALWAYS ask me for my study guide.... haha but i love ya... i remember going into the bathroom with you maybe close to half way threw school... cause you were upset about someone and that you were scared to lose him. i've been there when you have cried, and i've tried to help you. world history class... always willing to talk. lol

10. o shit son... sit behind me in health. C hour for 3 days... eating dip n dops.. making fun of ppl with yana and allison.. laughing with dae dae... talking bout how chris's laugh is so funny that it just wants to make you laugh. our talks bout ppl and how they are different with dana. B lunch with dana nora and jodie... your bread sticks and butter... lol and your chicken fingers and fries... lol

ok so i have 10 and not 15... ooooooo wellllllllll

o ok heres some that arent on my friends list....

11. my best friend since i was one... you live right next store to me and i can honestly tell you when i need to take a shit... i can fart or burp or anything in front of you.... our old videos we used to make... fun shit... your my bro.

12. i fell off your golf cart cause you dont know how to drive! but i love you anyways.... and then i made your bonfire nice and big! yeah woah! and your dog smelled and had to stay in the garage. lol i loveyou

13. american idol every tuesday... best friend since i cant even remember... were moving somewhere.. and becoming actress' and having dogs, monkeys, and rabbits... yesss

14. i talk to you all the time... i cant stand not talking to you or fighting with you... we hang out every weekend. surpriseeeeeeeeee maybe? number 3... and number 1... 910.... long hair... 4 months- may 13th.... and i love you. you know you make me feel like theres nothing in the world that would ever be able to hurt me.

hmm im going to bed now :] so i can wake up and go to school and go to this stupid breakfast thing that i got invited to and see my baby.... yeppp.. the sooner i got to bed the sooner i get to see him. night night...

aka chubby cheeks
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