Jan 25, 2008 17:42
bad news, then good news. i'm sorry for the length, skip over any parts if you wish.
bad news:
1. today i got the worst score on a test of my college career.
i miss ron crampton with all my heart right now.
almost enough to write him a love song about chemistry.
but that would be creepy.
i'm hoping it only goes up from here.
2. one of my close friends is doing a really jerk-like thing. i can't believe she doesn't seem to think it's hurtful in anyway. i don't want her to not do it because she's guilted out of it, but at the same time, i would want someone to tell me if i was acting like this...
good news
well, that is, if i don't some how pile up like 42 alcohol violations or get on academic probation before may.
i'm so excited. and that is an understatement.
its with a Creighton group, and we're spending 3 weeks in Madrid studying language and Madrid in art, literature, architecture, and film. how AMAZING does that sound?! then, to top it off, we're going to the coast for a week! (except i was strictly informed that this is NOT a vacation, we have WORK to do, blah blah)
my parents are coming to visit tomorrow, which is good because a good restaurant dinner sounds amazing right now, and i need a parent to sign the "i'm aware my child is going abroad" form. and they need to bring my passport to get the number off of it. plus then i won't see them until easter...so it is good that they're coming.
ok sorry this was long. lot to say i guess.