"We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize"--Thich Nhat Hanh

Apr 27, 2009 20:26

I haven't posted for awhile. life lately has been moving fast and loose (well, at least one of those). but alas, it is dead week, meaning i should be preparing for finals, which calls for an update instead of just that.

i'm in a list-y sort of mood, so here are some updates:

1. gotta get the negative out of the way: i hate my spanish prof. today she assigned our take-home final--a minimum 5-pg paper (in spanish) comparing 2 spanish poets with an italian one we havent even read!! just because you friggin wrote your dissertation about friggin petrarca doesn't mean we are prepared to whip this out. she has been the most flaky/worst prof i've ever had.

2. i will be back to iowa next thurs, may 7! but i only have 10 days in which to unpack from school, repack for el salvador, make wedding shower invitations for maggie, hopefully receive and complete all paperwork for south africa, work, read a few hundred pages of church documents and such for my class in el sal, see everyone i want to see, play outside, spoon with my cat.

3. i am so excited for el salvador. i leave for omaha may 17th, flying out early may 18th. i can't wait to live with a family, speak spanish, and learn more about the church in the context of a civil war. seriously, this war happened, fully supported by the US, and no one even knows about it. the things we've read or watched so far usually make me want to cry, vomit, or both. it's going to be intense, but i think it will have a big impact on me.

4. nicaragua for a week after will be ahhmaazing too. everywhere we're looking at going looks like paradise. hiking, volcanoes, beach, nature reserve, colonial town, coffee plantation.

5. i love nice days. this campus feels so amazing when everyone's out on blankets working on stuff. rain, rain go away.

6. i don't know what God is up to, but I have been surrounded by death this semester. in my El Salvador class we talk about all these horrific deaths, in my ethics class we read dead man walking and have been talking a lot about capital punishment, in my history class we read a survivor account of the holocaust, on my service trip we talked to a lady who had forgiven her son's murderer, and even on some random show that i sat in on with my mom the other day, they showed a guy getting lethal injection! ahh, what the heck?! i am now against the death penalty, by the way. i think most people would be if they actually knew the facts behind it.

sorry this got super long. life is good, though. i quite like it. one of my favorite things about creighton is that i am constantly discovering new amazing people.
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