Apr 16, 2006 23:59
boo.. i don't want to do this.
but i will it needs to be done.
this weekend was amazing
tonight was great. it started out a little slow but once it got started it was lot of fun! i love just sitting there with my closest friend just talking and having a goodtime. and that's what we did. i don't think i learned anything that i hadn't already. it was just funny to hear people talk about stuff like that. O i did learn things about ... but i wont tell .. i need to talk to him! GOSH! I LOVE MY FRIENDS! like this is one of those moments were you pause and think why can't EVERYDAY be like this and you just wish you could pause everthing. like right now.. everything is perfect for me. i love it!!! but it just makes me depressed because i know it can't last. i hate time. it's should jsut stop!
but i'll enjoy this while it lasts and i'm going to talk to my friends. later gaters