Snow day! After I spent half the night studying for my finals! Bastards..

Dec 09, 2009 10:52

Austin's trying to get me into political discussions, especially talk radio. Mancow I can almost stand, but Limbaugh? Heeeell no. I can take a slight interest in some aspects of politics, but mostly I just view it as one more thing to get needlessly worked up over. There are plenty of people in the world willing to devote their whole lives to how they think this country should be run, I think I can just sit back and not worry about it. Besides, that's what Austin's for. I don't mind him discussing it with me as long as I just have to listen and not add anything. But just to show I've been listening and retaining some information, Obama's a socialist and wants to tax cow flatulence. There, see? One thing from Austin's somewhat one-sided conversations, and one thing from Mancow's! I've covered my bases.

I'm re-reading (actually, listening to on tape) East of Eden, and I forgot how awesome it is. For one, the main characters are Irish. Then there's the dry, often morbid humor throughout the whole thing, the gorgeous descriptions, and the well-constructed characters and setting. Steinbeck is an amazing author, and I wish that stupid TA in Honor's English Junior year hadn't completely ruined Grapes of Wrath, cause that's also a good book. Maybe I should become an English teacher. Most of the ones we already have are worthless. They screw up poetry, good books, and every other piece of literature they can get their hands on with scripted interpretations, cliche themed essays, and droning, antiquated lectures that they probably have memorized so they can torture students with them every school year for the rest of their meaningless lives. I sound a bit harsh, but I can remember only one English teacher at Guilford who actually did her job, and I forgot her name. Something with an 'A'. She taught AP English. She actually gave students the skills to develop their own interpretation and appreciation of literature, not memorize and regurgitate ultimately useless information.

And now to finish my poetry portfolio, cause Bear sent me a very forceful email about turning it in tomorrow or taking a zero. I guess he's getting fired--that really sucks. I think he's a great professor for Creative Writing. He gives the class a very laid-back atmosphere that in my opinion encourages better creativity and growth in writing style, plus it made us all kind of friends and a lot more comfortable around each other. Now the only Creative Writing professor there will be Molly Sides, which means I am never taking another Creative Writing class at Rock Valley ever again, cause that woman is a snobby, self-possessed BITCH. Molly (a girl from my class, not Sides) and I decided we need to write poems about how rude it is for fat feminist bitches to sit in on a Creative Writing class and sigh the whole time, then call the students stupid for their interpretations of poems. She's worthless for teaching, she should just become an angry blogger or something. Anyway, they shouldn't fire Bear and if they do, they should get rid of Sides too. That's what I think.
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