Movies & Books list May 2013

Jun 19, 2013 18:35

I am always behind updating with this list thing.

* = repeated viewing/re-read

Hot fuzz (2007)*
Class (1983) - Rob Lowe. Andrew McCarthy. Together. Fighting in mud?! YES. This was good.
Dracula (1992) - despite starring four of my favourite actors (Gary Oldman, Keanu Reeves ♥, Winona Ryder & Anthony Hopkins) & directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this was pretty terrible. (First time watching it all the way through, Dave enjoyed it! D:)
Paris, Texas (1984) I am troubled and can't decide if I loved this or not. Lots of nice scenery though.
Disney's Sleeping Beauty (1959)* : )
The Last Exorcism (2010)* - Did not stand up to a repeated viewing, really.
The Edge (1997)* - Anthony Hopkins Vs HUGE bear. What more do you want? (The awesome Bart the bear, to be precise.)
Shattered Glass (2003)

BOOKS: ~ another light reading month.
Advice for Strays by Justine Kilkerr (actually, I'm still reading this, it started off really well but somewhere along the way I just sort of, wandered off.)
Whisper of Death by Christopher Pike (ah, nostalgia.)
I Capture the Castle by Dodi Smith (Really enjoyed this :) )

movies & books list

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