When It Rain's it Pours

Jan 17, 2005 18:40

So yeah, I haven't updated in forever I know. But I don't have much too say. I been stressed a lot lately, I definately need something to get me going. But yah know, whenever I get down, my roomate's there to help me on my feet. Last week was a bad week. I don't know. MOnday I just lost it, but it got better. I'm trying to get an on-campus job cuz I'm so poor and it seems one thing happens after another and I can never catch up. It's so hard to do everything myself with no help. But I feel worse for my parent's so I'm not going to take it out on my mom, I love her more than anyone. At least when I get older, I'll have a lot more appreciation because I will have to work for everything, which sucks now, but as time goes on I'll learn to accomodate with it. As for the new semester, it sucked worsed then when I first moved in. But this week seems a lot better. As for the new semester goes, I set a lot of goals for myself. Such as:
  • Skip Less, Sleep More
  • Party more (Thurday's Rock, Especially Last Thursay)
  • Make more new friends
  • Don't let certain people and issues get to me
  • Stay @ GVSU more on weekends
  • Visit friend at different universities
  • Keep in touch with those I haven't been
  • Accept that things are constantly changing
  • and so on....

So yeah let me tell you, last Thursday was so much fun. Except I did a little too much drunk dialing and ended up talking to Danny's Mom wasted. Oh man It was nuts. And then my nick name was "A blazzin Shizzy"...it was a good time. I had a lot of fun with the girls..Tiffany and Kayleigh were nuts. And I got in a fight with Kt..lol. It was serious then but I was just drunk. She was fun too :) We partied with people we don't normally do, and that was the funnest part. and then my RA was at the first party we were at. Talk about crazy. Then I talked to her wasted when we got back and Tiffany had to un do my pants twice. I love My Roomate, I really do.

In writing 150 we have to do a narrative essay, But I don't have anything interesting to really write about. and it can be fictional, so I'm making up a story about a really bad day. It sounds cool so far. I just feel dumb that I have to make up a story.

I love Ryan so much. I missed him so much last week and this weeked with him was wonderful. He can't come up to see me anymore because of school, so we get limited time together so we're extra good. I love him so much it's crazy.

Well I'm out to go take care of buisness with my roomie :)...Talk to you all later. Sorry for boring you to death.
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