Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [33/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters Banner for this fic, please? :'D
Chapter 33: Runaways and Sunsets
December 6, Saturday, 4: 32PM
***Maximini has signed in
***Kibum has signed in
Maximini: Hey.
Kibum: ??
Maximini: Yeah. I did.
Kibum: ?!
Maximini: Yes. I tried it again.
Kibum: ....?
Maximini: ...
Kibum: ...
Maximini: What do you think?
Kibum: ...?
Maximini: .....No.
Kibum: ...Min...
Maximini: ...Damn. Who am I kidding? What possessed me to think it could possibly work?
Kibum: ...
Maximini: ...Well you don't have to rub it in, man
Kibum: ......
Maximini: ...
Maximini: Jerk
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Shut up.
Kibum: .............................
Kibum: ............
Kibum: .....
Maximini: Shut up! Why are you being so damn harsh about this? I get it. Jaejoong doesn't like me, he never did and never will. Okay?! I get it now. Quit shoving it in my face.
Kibum: .....
Maximini: ...You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Kibum: Of course not.
Maximini: Liar
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Lying bastard.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Don't talk about Jaejoong like that. He was so worth it. It hurt in the end but he was worth it....
Kibum: ...
Maximini: No, Kibum. Okay? I'm not doing it anymore. I've given up. I lost. Jaemin is no more. There. Now go have a freaking party.
Kibum: ?
Maximini: o.o Jaemin? Isn't it obvious? It's our pairing name. I came up with it. Isn't it cool~?
Kibum: ...
Maximini: ...
Maximini: What do you mean "Yunjae" sounds better????
Kibum: ......
Maximini: NO I don't think Jaeho would sound good, too! Kibum, who's side are you on???
Kibum: ...
Maximini: "The side of righteousness" doesn't even make sense....
Kibum: !!
Maximini: I don't care if that phrase got you twenty dollars for 3rd place in the ninth grade essay contest last semester. It makes no sense to me!
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I am not inferior to you. That's my line! >.<
Maximini: You know what, never mind. I don't care anymore. It's over. Happy?
Kibum: Ecstatic
Maximini: You are too good to me.
Kibum: Better than Jaejoong
Maximini: That was sarcasm, by the way.
Maximini: And I'd rather not think about him anymore...
Kibum: Fine with me.
Maximini: ...You're seriously being a bit of an ass about it, though...
Kibum: I'm allowed to. I saw it coming
Maximini: Yeah. Right. Thanks for predicting my crash and burn in failed love. You're the best, Kibum
Kibum: Thank you very much
Maximini: Your words hurt me
Kibum: Better than some yellow-haired pretty boy
Maximini: Dammit! I'm chatting with you because you always make me feel better. I just got ganged up on by every one of Junsu's friends and now you're adding to my humiliation? Great, Kibum. Great. See if I run to you next time someone locks me in the staff bathroom at school.
Kibum: ...
Kibum: Staff bathroom?
Maximini: ...
Maximini: Friday. A bunch of kids cornered me on my way to 3rd period. Forced me into the bathroom in the teacher's lounge and barricaded the door. I couldn't even explain myself to the teacher that found me.
Kibum: Omg
Kibum: ???
Maximini: Only about an hour. I only missed part of 2 classes.
Kibum: .........!
Maximini: Yeah, I know. It surprised me, too.
Kibum: But...it's not usually...
Maximini: That bad? Yeah. No. It's not.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I dunno. Maybe there's a full moon out. Humans are crazy.
Kibum: That's illogical.
Maximini: ...Yeah, I know.
Kibum: So....?
Maximini: ...I think it's Daeshim. After the day he beat me up, he went to school and bragged about it. And I think the videos he and his friends made of the incident are circling around the internet. Now everyone wants a piece of me
Kibum: ...
Maximini: You're right. Our school is full of brainless asswipes.
Kibum: ?
Maximini: I'm fine. I'm okay.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I'm not a liar! Sanghee's the liar. She said she wanted to borrow my scissors for a project. And then she just cut a lock of my hair. See, this is why I dislike females.
Kibum: What??
Maximini: ...That's not the worst of it.
Kibum: !!!
Maximini: It's been getting pretty bad. What happened to the days when I could walk down the hall and only worry about someone calling me names or even simply tripping me? Puh. Kids these days.
Kibum: It's not funny
Maximini: Am I laughing?
Kibum: I want you to. Seriously.
Maximini: I don't see that happening til college.
Kibum: 3 more years?
Maximini: Yep
Kibum: I'm not waiting that long
Maximini: These kids aren't giving me much of a choice
Kibum: Transfer.
Maximini: I'm not leaving you
Kibum: I'll go with you
Maximini: Your mom would never let you
Kibum: I'll beg
Maximini: Forget it.
Kibum: Let's run away
Maximini: Now who's being illogical?
Kibum: We could go to Pusan
Maximini: Are you insane??
Kibum: Incheon?
Maximini: Yep. You're insane
Kibum: Other side of Seoul?
Maximini: Now you're just being ridiculous
Kibum: We could quit school
Maximini: What part of "I'm in love with education" don't you understand???
Kibum: Find a job
Maximini: Who would hire two runaway 14 year-olds?
Kibum: Convenient store?
Maximini: Good luck with that.
Kibum: Find a shitty apartment.
Maximini: With our money we'd make from a convenient store? Once again. Good luck with that
Kibum: Live in a box
Maximini: I need my bed! And refrigerator.
Kibum: I'll make you happy. I promise.
Maximini: Pfft! With no bed, no food and no video games?? I'm a kid! What's fun about that?
Kibum: Sitting side by side
Maximini: Oh. Fun.
Kibum: Next to the Han River
Maximini: How touching~
Kibum: Watching the sunset
Maximini: Ahhh, sounds just like a movie
Kibum: Holding hands
Maximini: ...Kibum?
Kibum: And saying "I love you."
Maximini: ...
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Kibum........?
Kibum: ....What?
Maximini: .......
Kibum: ...
Maximini: You......
Kibum: What?
Maximini: You...
Maximini: You're distracting me. I've got lots of work to do if I want to get an A on this project and get Daeshim off my back.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I'm wasting precious time in the library. Gotta go.
Kibum: Call me when you're done?
Maximini: ...
Maximini: Yeah...sure.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Bye.
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: Bye
Kibum: ...
***Kibum has signed out
Chapter 34----------------------
Still considering more people for teh banner for this fic. :D Just message meh or contact me telepathically with your mind @.@
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