Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [28/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 28: Soccer CLUB and Crappy Friends
December 2, Tuesday, 6:34PM
***SUnny has signed in
SUnny: Fuck
***Yunbi has signed in
Yunbi: You okay, man? That text you sent me was pretty cryptic.
SUnny: I'm fine.
Yunbi: ...Where's the emoticon?
SUnny: Fuck you
Yunbi: Okay, that seems like an angry emoticon.
SUnny: Try angry, pissed, irritable, confused and worthless
Yunbi: I thought you said you were fine. What happened?
SUnny: Hyukjae happened
Yunbi: ...
SUnny: Shut the fuck up. I know you don't like him, just hear me out
Yunbi: Alright
SUnny: He's a whore
Yunbi: Clearly
SUnny: Shut the fuck up. I'm not finished yet
Yunbi: Alright
SUnny: And he's selfish.
Yunbi: ...
SUnny: Shut the fuck up and let me fucking finish, you fucking bastard
Yunbi: Whoa. I didn't even say anything
SUnny: And he's stupid
SUnny: And borderline rude
SUnny: I mean, at least if he's gonna take whatever he wants from my ass, he can try to be a little kind
Yunbi: Well, technically, he doesn't just take. You give willingly.
SUnny: Shut the fuck up.
Yunbi: ...Alright. But what happened, Junsu?
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I just need to vent a little, okay? Then I'll be fine.
Yunbi: Cool.
SUnny: I told you about him already...
Yunbi: *sigh* Yeah. Him and all the other guys you're sexually involved with.
SUnny: Yeah but I'm just a quick fuck to everyone else. To Hyukjae I'm....
Yunbi: A slightly longer fuck?
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Sorry, man. Continue.
SUnny: I'm his favorite.
SUnny: Out of all the guys he could have, he's chosen three. Me, Donghae and Leeteuk. And I'M his favorite, Yunho. Me. I'M someone's favorite.
SUnny: I was his favorite...
Yunbi: What's going on?
SUnny: I thought you were smart. You haven't figured it out yet from all the clues I'm dropping?
Yunbi: Even the biggest genius in Seoul couldn't figure you out that easily, man. Just tell me what's going on.
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I think Hyukjae's replaced me....
Yunbi: ...
Yunbi: Okay.
SUnny: What the hell do you mean, 'OKAY?'
Yunbi: Just....okay. Is that what's bothering you?
SUnny: Bastard. You treat it like it's nothing. I knew I should've talked to Jaejoong. But oh yeah. He hasn't been my best friend for FOUR YEARS.
Yunbi: Dude, I'm sorry! I mean, you know I don't like your relationship with that guy. Can I help it if it looks like you two are finally about to separate? Quite frankly, I'm happy for you, Junsu.
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: And why can't you talk to Yoochun about this? No matter how much he jokes around, he really...really cares about you.
SUnny: I couldn't possibly tell him without revealing....everything
Yunbi: Right...
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: ....
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Um...you still need to vent, though, right? Your silence is creeping me out.
SUnny: Whatever.
SUnny: Do you want to know who it is or do you even give a flying fuck at this point?
Yunbi: ...
Yunbi: I care, Junsu. That's why I'm your friend. Tell me.
SUnny: ...
SUnny: Yesung.
Yunbi: No, really. Who is it?
SUnny: ....Yesung.
Yunbi: Stop joking, man
SUnny: I'm not!
Yunbi: ...Are you serious?? Hyukjae is having sex with Yesung??
SUnny: Yes.
Yunbi: Yesung has sex???
SUnny: Why is that so hard to believe?!
Yunbi: Yesung knows how to have sex?????
SUnny: Of course! YOU and Yoochun are the only virgins I know!
Yunbi: ....Tell me you're lying about that....please........
SUnny: Eh. A little.
Yunbi: Okay....good....now I don't feel quite so lame....
Yunbi: But are you sure about Yesung?
SUnny: I wouldn't be upset about this if I wasn't sure, stupid. I saw them in the back of Hyukjae's car...
Yunbi: But you know Yesung is rather innocent...right? I mean...I wouldn't peg him as the...sexual type....
SUnny: Yeah
Yunbi: And he sniffs people...
Yunbi: I mean he's cool and all but....Hyukjae sure has interesting taste
SUnny: He fucks me, doesn't he?
Yunbi: Yeah, that's what I mean.
SUnny: ...
SUnny: So, what? Now I'm not even worth being someone else's hole to shove their dick in?
Yunbi: Junsu, no. I'm just making observations.
Yunbi: I mean, Yesung...at first glance, anyway, seems like a pretty good kid.
Yunbi: And so do you
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Yesung is pretty friendly and you seem perpetually happy-go-lucky. Yesung is weird and don't deny it, you are, too
SUnny: ...I thought you were trying to convince me you weren't trying to insult me...
Yunbi: Wait, wait! Hear me out. Donghae and Leeteuk have similar qualities, too.
SUnny: Like....?
Yunbi: They both seem nice at first glance. And they're weird in their own ways. Like, Donghae takes so many pictures of himself, it's unhealthy. And have you heard Leeteuk's laugh?
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Um, you're all pretty unfortunate. In your own ways.
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: You seem to create your own problems, Donghae's always breaking things, Leeteuk is always complaining about his age even though he's the same age as the rest of us high school seniors and Yesung is a walking accident.
Yunbi: Dude, I spilled hydrochloric acid on Yesung's arm. A lot. I'm surprised he still has that arm. And he falls down stairs. A lot. Crap like that happens to him all the time
SUnny: What the hell do you mean I 'create my own problems?'
Yunbi: Listen, Junsu, I love you.
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Jaejoong loves you.
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Yoochun....loves you.
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Your parents love you. Seriously. There's no reason for you to act the way you do.
SUnny: Bullshit.
Yunbi: Oh, come on. I admit, you probably don't exactly light up very much on your parents' radar but they know you're there. And they truly do love you, I can tell. You just have to...remind them or something
SUnny: Uh-huh. Remind them. Like a stupid little note on a calendar. I am a fricking scribble on a calendar to them.
Yunbi: No, that's not what I meant. From what I hear, Changmin is amazing for a kid his age. What parent wouldn't be dazzled?
SUnny: If you like him so much, why don't you go chat with him instead?
Yunbi: I can't. He makes me nervous...
SUnny: Wtf??
Yunbi: ...
Yunbi: What I'm trying to say is, just because they don't fawn over you like they do for your little brother for every amazing thing that he does, doesn't mean they don't love you.
SUnny: Well they sure are good at playing favorites
Yunbi: Junsu...
SUnny: What?? Why do I have to work so hard to get some fucking attention from anyone? I give Hyukjae what he needs just about every day and it's STILL not enough?? He has to go to Yesung now? Is his ass bigger than mine? Is his tongue better than mine?
SUnny: Hyukjae hasn't even been making eye contact with me anymore in the hallways. He's too busy groping Yesung against his locker to worry about me. Fuck. He used to at least attempt to hide Donghae and Leeteuk from me. As if I'm his one and only boyfriend in the world. And now he thinks he can just fuck around right in front of my face?
Yunbi: ...Like you do to him?
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Sorry
SUnny: I thought it turned him on. I know he never liked the thought of me sucking off other guys. But I thought he was just acting possessive. Did it really bother him?
Yunbi: Does it matter? If he's through with you then just walk away from him. He's a creep.
SUnny: If I had known he'd just drop me like this, I would've at least tried to hide it. I can play his game, too.
Yunbi: Junsu...?
SUnny: Maybe he's bored of me. Maybe if I try something new, he'll ignore Yesung and make me his favorite again.
Yunbi: Junsu?
SUnny: He'd always wanted to try having sex on the beach. Maybe I'll borrow mom's car and drive to the coast...
Yunbi: Junsu, that's stupid
SUnny: How the fuck do you know what's stupid and what's not? Huh? Maybe it's not something you would do, but does that make it wrong? We all have our personal preferences. Maybe this is the way Hyukjae and I are supposed to be.
Yunbi: WHAT? You're not even making sense anymore, man
SUnny: Maybe it's not supposed to make sense. Isn't that how love is? Hyukjae may be a complete douche who only wants me for my body, but my body is his. He chose it! He wanted it the most out of any guy he could've had. Hyukjae treats me like I'm special and there's no way in hell I'm letting Yesung get in the way of that.
Yunbi: Omg...Junsu, that is NOT love. Not even close. I may be a virgin who's only experiencing love for the first time with Jaejoong, but even I know that you and Hyukjae are nowhere near love. And your body is YOURS, not Hyukjae's.
SUnny: Well, maybe our love is different from that stupid juvenile play love you have with Jaejoong. I bet our love is more mature.
Yunbi: Don't you dare talk about me and Jaejoong like that. I'm not going to sit here and be evaluated by your twisted, confused mind. Got it?
SUnny: Fine, asshole.
Yunbi: And weren't you the one that said you and Hyukjae aren't really boyfriends? Just fuck buddies?
SUnny: Well, maybe I'm changing my mind.
Yunbi: JUNSU. You're being an idiot! What you and Hyukjae have IS NOT love and it's not even lust. You're just an object for him to use. Like a paper napkin.
SUnny: ...
SUnny: So...?
Yunbi: ..........
Yunbi: Su...are you okay right now?
SUnny: Shut up...just give me a minute...
Yunbi: Su...please stop hiding
Yunbi: You're not gonna respond anymore?
Yunbi: Okay, fine
Yunbi: But just know that the people who truly love you want to see you smile
Yunbi: And we want to see you cry
Yunbi: So that we can always know how you're feeling.
Yunbi: And try to make you feel better.
Yunbi: So please don't hide behind that smile anymore...
Yunbi: Junsu?
SUnny: I'm back! :D
Yunbi: ...
SUnny: Phew! That sure was a lot of venting o.o
Yunbi: Su...
SUnny: Dude, you coming to my soccer game this Friday?? ^.^
Yunbi: *sigh* I dunno
Yunbi: Okay! I'm coming...
SUnny: Yay! <3
Yunbi: Wait...you have a soccer game? In December?
SUnny: =.= How many times do I have to explain this to you, MR. CLASS PRESIDENT WHO'S SUPPOSED TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HIS SCHOOL???
Yunbi: It's confusing
SUnny: GAH! >.<
SUnny: You're thinking of the soccer TEAM! Soccer TEAM meets in spring! This is soccer CLUB which meets year round except when soccer TEAM is meeting!! D8<
Yunbi: Alright.........
SUnny: =.=
Yunbi: I'm going, alright? What kind of class president would I be if didn't support all school events? And my best friend?
SUnny: YAYZ! 8D
Yunbi: I think I'll invite Jaejoong, too. It can be kind of...a date
SUnny: Oh, NOW you want to invite him on a date by yourself!!! D<
Yunbi: He's so amazing...
SUnny: xD
Yunbi: So...are you going to be okay?
SUnny: I'm gonna finish meh homework, yo! :D Why ish Korean History so hard?? o.O
Yunbi: Junsu...?
SUnny: Bye bye, Yunnie! <3
Yunbi: Junsu!
***SUnny has signed out
Yunbi: ...
Yunbi: Crap. I'm such a crappy friend
Yunbi: Why can't I help him?
***Yunbi has signed out
Chapter 29---------------
I ish BACK! :D
I'm so so so SO sorry. o.o" A whole bunch of stuff happened, but long story short, I was stripped of my internet for quite a while. T.T I was done with this chapter a LONG time ago. But couldn't update. I'm sorry!
*passes out apology cookies*
A couple of other notes....
In my internet deprival period, I've been planning out the upcoming chapters for this fic...and.....it's DONE. <3 It's not all written out yet or anything, but I know exactly where this fic is going allll the way to the very end. ;D
And.....it's a tad longer than 40 chapters....O.O
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