[Rehearsal 5] Again with the random 3Jib lyrics at the end. xD Crack makes meh happy~ Wanna join meh DBSK community? :3 It's got lots of laughter~
dbkrackweens Leeteuk: Are you sure?
Shindong: Of course I'm sure!
Leeteuk: Really sure?
Shindong: Hyung, I couldn't be more sure.
Leeteuk: Really?
Shindong: YES! I'm absolutely sure that's what I said.
Leeteuk: But I thought you said-
Shindong: No. I didn't.
Leeteuk: Hmmm. I just don't believe it.
Shindong: You don't believe it? I don't believe it. My mom's not going to believe what you're putting me through.
Leeteuk: Ahh.
Shindong: No more sending me snacks from home.
Leeteuk: I see.
Shindong: No more pizza from Junsu's family's business.
Leeteuk: Ah, that is a bummer.
Shindong: I'll end up perpetually grumpy. Like Kangin.
Leeteuk: Oh, that is a bummer.
Shindong: I know.
Donghae: What do you know?
Shindong: Hey, Donghae. How was the shoot?
Donghae: Eh.
Leeteuk: Eh?
Donghae: Very eh.
Leeteuk: Eeeh.
Donghae: Exactly.
Shindong: ...
Donghae: So what do you know, hyung?
Shindong: That Leeteuk has ruined my life.
Leeteuk: But you don't even eat as much as Eunhyuk does.
Shindong: Is that my fault? But now I'm going to have to practically kill myself to live up to the standards you forced upon me.
Donghae: What's going on?
Shindong: Hyung.
Donghae: Hyung?
Shindong: Hyung.
Donghae: Hyung!
Leeteuk: What?!
Donghae: How could you?!
Leeteuk: What? What?! It wasn't like it was a lie...at the time... I didn't know!
Shindong: You weren't listening.
Leeteuk: I was, too. I just thought you said 10 kilograms.
Donghae: How dare you?!
Leeteuk: I'm sorry!
Donghae: You should be ashamed!
Leeteuk: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I thought he said-
Donghae: Well, he didn't. Why are you even in this group? Just leave this studio right now. Forever.
Shindong: ...Donghae.
Donghae: GET OUT!
Leeteuk: ...Okay....
Donghae: That's right... Hey. Where are you going?
Leeteuk: ...I'm...getting out...?
Donghae: Wait, Heechul didn't tell you?
Leeteuk: Tell me what?
Donghae: Tell me, tell me, t-t-t-t-t-tell me...
Shindong: ...
Donghae: What? How can you not do that? It's a good song.
Shindong: ...
Donghae: Okay, where were we? Ah. Heechul.
Shindong: No. Leeteuk.
Leeteuk: Huh?
Shindong: Not you. Donghae.
Donghae: Huh?
Shindong: Not you. Leeteuk.
Leeteuk: Huh?
Shindong: Aish... Not you-
Donghae: Um, we're talking about Heechul, so can we...keep talking about Heechul now?
Shindong: But how are we talking about Heechul? I thought we were talking about... Nevermind. Continue.
Donghae: Okay. So, Heechul.
Leeteuk: ...
Donghae: ...
Leeteuk: You know I'm not Heechul, right...?
Donghae: Um...he didn't tell you?
Leeteuk: Which hyung? Me or Heechul?
Donghae: ......Ummmmm, you...?
Leeteuk: Heechul didn't tell me what? I thought I wasn't good enough to even be standing in this practice room...
Donghae: Ah, he didn't tell you.
Leeteuk: Who didn't tell me what?
Donghae: Heechul didn't tell you what he told me.
Leeteuk: What did he tell you to tell me?
Shindong: ...
Donghae: That we were sitting in the dressing room at a shoot a few days ago.
Shindong: ...Is that all?
Donghae: No, of course not. Well, Heechul called Kibum on his cell phone and started yelling at him to get off the line so he could call Hankyung which didn't really make sense in my mind but whatever.
Shindong: ...Sounds like Heechul...
Donghae: And then he said something about whatever Kibum was doing was about as impossible as Donghae--that's me--ordering Leeteuk to leave the group.
Shindong: ...
Donghae: And I wanted to show him that nothing is impossible. See? Always have hope.
Shindong: ...Hope...that you can kick our leader out of Super Junior?
Donghae: Yeah! Well...no...
Shindong: And what else does Heechul have to do with this?
Donghae: Well, I told him that nothing is impossible and then he said, "Whatever. Next time I see him, I'll warn Leeteuk that you're coming for him, okay?" But I guess he forgot.
Shindong: ...
Leeteuk: Donghae...he was probably being sarcastic.
Donghae: ...
Leeteuk: ...
Shindong: ...
Donghae: What is sarcasm?
Leeteuk: ...
Shindong: ...
Leeteuk: It...it doesn't matter. What were we talking about before?
Shindong: I don't even know. I just want to take a nap before practice starts tonight.
Leeteuk: Don't fall asleep in the dressing room again or else we'll never find you.
Donghae: ...Or worse. We will find you and all your clothes will be on the floor...
Leeteuk: ...How did you start changing your clothes in the dressing room and fall asleep in the middle?
Shindong: Oh, I didn't take my clothes off and then fall asleep, I fell asleep and then took off my clothes while I slept.
Leeteuk: Oh...
Shindong: Didn't you know? I tend to do that... It's why Eunhyuk kicked me out of our room.
Donghae: I thought it was because he wanted me to share a room with him.
Leeteuk: What, Donghae?
Donghae: Um. Nothing.
Shindong: I'm gonna go get that nap. Wake me when the others get here.
Leeteuk: Alright. I'm gonna order some ramen or something. I haven't eaten all day. I feel like I've lost about 10 kilograms.
Shindong: Okay, well- Wait. THAT'S IT!
Donghae: Don't yell at me!
Shindong: Wha- I'm not yelling at you, Donghae. I'm yelling at- Oh, crap. Don't cry. Please don't cry.
Leeteuk: It's okay. He didn't mean to scare you. He meant to yell at me. Wait... Why were you yelling at me?
Shindong: YOU-
Donghae: Don't yell at me!!!
Shindong: I mean....You, Leeteuk, have ruined my life.
Leeteuk: I don't remember why I ruined your life. Enlighten me?
Shindong: You told the world that I would lose 10 kilograms.
Leeteuk: Oh. But that's what you said. You said, and I quote, "I want to lose 10 kilograms to keep up my health."
Shindong: See? You're incapable of listening.
Leeteuk: Huh?
Shindong: I said 5 kilos. FIVE!
Donghae: Dont yell....
Leeteuk: What's the difference?
Shindong: FIVE KILOS!!!
Donghae: AHHHHHHH!
Leeteuk: Come back, Donghae!
Heechul: Hey gu- Whoa! Donghae! What the crap is wrong with you!?
Donghae: They, they, they...
Shindong: Donghae, I didn't mean to-
Heechul! Shhh! I'm trying to speak to him. Slow down, Donghae. What are you trying to tell me?
Donghae: They, they, they, and, he, and they, and me, then, you, and Kibum, and loud, and me, and know, and cheeseburger.
Leeteuk: ...
Donghae: ...I didn't say that part about Eunhyuk...
Heechul: I know. But I inferred. YOU GUYS ARE IN TROUBLE!
Leeteuk: Hold on, Heechul. We didn't mean to-
Heechul: WAAAAH!
Leeteuk: AAAHH! Kangin, attack!!
Kangin: WAAHHHHH!!
Kangin: My work here is done. I'll be late for practice tonight, Leeteuk. Got a radio thing to attend to.
Leeteuk: Okay. Make mommy proud.
Donghae: Bye, Kangin-hyung!
Shindong: Where did Kangin come from?!?!
Leeteuk: Are you calm now, Heechul?
Shindong: Butbutbutbutbut I thought Kangin was still in Pusan!?!?!
Heechul: *gasping* You...you send that monster after me....
Shindong: Pusan!
Leeteuk: Desperate times, Heechul. Now are you ready to communicate civilly?
Shindong: But Kangin...he's...he's not supposed to be here. Was he here the whole time? Why? Someone...please...
Heechul: You've hurt my soul.
Leeteuk: Kangin could've done a lot worse than hurt your soul.
Heechul: You should put that guy on a leash...
Donghae: Oh, hey, Kangin.
Heechul: What?! What?! Where?! I didn't do anything!!
Donghae: Oh. Never mind. It was just a shadow. Kangin is all the way in Pusan. Right, Shindong?
Shindong: I don't know anymore...
Leeteuk: This is why you shouldn't react so violently, Heechul.
Heechul: I know, I know. It's just that Donghae is my favorite.
Donghae: Aw, hyung! You're my favorite, too!
Heechul: Really??
Donghae: Yeah- Well...after Eunhyuk, of course.
Heechul: Oh. Well, I can deal with that.
Donghae: Oh, yeah. And Siwon.
Heechul: ...Okay. That's natural, I guess... Everyone likes Siwon.
Donghae: And Kibum. When he's actually living with us in the dorm, he lets me shower first.
Heechul: ...Okay.
Donghae: And Kyuhyun isn't a hyung but he's really cool. And Ryeowook likes making me food. So does Hankyung. They make me feel warm inside.
Leeteuk: Actually, Siwon isn't your hyung, either.
Donghae: Yeah, but I don't think about him that way. Doesn't he just naturally look older than all of us. He's even more mature than you.
Leeteuk: True, true.
Heechul: ...
Donghae: Oh! And Kangin is always nice to me and calls me when I'm away in China.
Heechul: Riiiiight...
Donghae: And I like to hang out with Sungmin and his friends. They're all awesome.
Heechul: Where do I come in your list of favorites??
Donghae: Yesung lets me pet his turtle. And him.
Heechul: Donghae, you can stop now.
Donghae: I also love Dong Dong!
Shindong: Aww, I'm your favorite, too? You're so sweet.
Heechul: But what about-
Donghae: Even though Henry won't let me touch his violin, I like watching TV with him. Manager-sshi is pretty awesome, too, when he's chill.
Heechul: ...
Donghae: Zhoumi!! I like taking long, long, long walks with him. Very nice. Oh yeah and you, Leeteuk-hyung. Thank you for being such a great second father to me.
Leeteuk: Aw, my dongsaeng. You are a piece of my soul.
Donghae: Hmmmm. Who else?
Heechul: Ummm-
Donghae: Eunhyuk! He's my favorite, too. Wait, did I say him already- Where are you going, Heechul??
Heechul: Breath of fresh air.
Leeteuk: It's raining outside.
Heechul: Breath of wet air.
Donghae: Wait, favorite hyung! You didn't even hear the whole reason why Shindong was yelling at me!
Shindong: But I wasn't yelling at-
Donghae: Pleeeeaaaaaasseee staaaaaay~
Heechul: Don't look at me like that.
Donghae: Pleeeeaaaaaasseee staaaaaay~
Heechul: Stop it.
Donghae: Pleeeeaaaaaasseee staaaaaay~
Heechul: GAH! Why am I so weak?!
Leeteuk: Well, you don't work out as much as Siwon or Yesung.
Heechul: ...
Shindong: Can I continue yelling at Leeteuk?
Donghae: No yelling...
Shindong: Okay....Leeteuk...
Leeteuk: Yes, wonderful dongsaeng?
Shindong: I hate you very much.
Leeteuk: Oh, why, wonderful dongsaeng?
Shindong: Because you told the world I would lose 10 kilograms.
Leeteuk: Ah, yes, wonderful dongsaeng. But why should this be a peril?
Shindong: Because I will die.
Leeteuk: Oh, that does seem terrible, wonderful dongsaeng.
Shindong: And when I die, I'm taking you with me.
Leeteuk: ...Okay, dude, let's not get too hasty.
Shindong: 5 kilos! That's all I wanted to lose! For health! Not aesthetics or competition! And now I have to live up to YOUR promise before our comeback performance!
Donghae: No yelling...
Heechul: Yeah, no yelling. It's okay, Donghae.
Shindong: Why don't you ever think before you speak? I said five...FIVE!
Leeteuk: Well, isn't that good? You don't eat as much as-
Shindong: Eunhyuk! I know! But now Manager-sshi isn't going to let me eat anything at all, I know it. He's so obsessive sometimes. We hardly eat enough as it is.
Leeteuk: Phew. That's the life of a celebrity. Which is why I was going to order myself a quick bowl of ramen-
Shindong: I'm not allowed to eat ramen!
Donghae: No yelling...
Leeteuk: No ramen?! What are they going to let you eat?
Shindong: I don't know. Like a cup of pepper, the seasoning, not the vegetable and water. And then I'll have to do a crap load of cardio with Yesung and Ryeowook. Yesung AND Ryeowook!
Donghae: No yelling!
Leeteuk: What's so bad about that?
Shindong: Yesung AND Ryeowook!
Heechul: Well, you know what I say?
Shindong: I don't really ca-
Heechul: I think you should just suck it up and think about things that are more important.
Shindong: Like what?
Leeteuk: Like preventing the destruction of the ozone layer or illiteracy in small children or the plague of poverty or war or the possibility of two black holes somewhere out in the universe colliding and killing us all or Kibum's success while he promotes his Super Junior brothers through more and more acting roles, modeling, commercials and such or Hankyung's safe arrival from China before practice tonight or Henry's violin's safe arrival to the instrument polisher guy with the creepy nasal voice who kept winking at Kyuhyun or the growing presence of pollution in big cities and its correlation with babies born with asthma or-
Heechul: Or me.
Leeteuk: Or...Heechul...
Donghae: Heechul!
Shindong: ...
Heechul: We're all going to the salon tomorrow. And do you know why?
Donghae: To say happy birthday to stylist-ahjumma!
Heechul: No. To get new looks for our 3rd album concept.
Leeteuk: Oh, that's right! I wonder what new look I'm going to get.
Heechul: I already know what I want.
Donghae: What? What?
Heechul: Beggar.
Shindong: Excuse me?
Heechul: Beggar. It's a concept, a concept. You'll understand after tomorrow.
Donghae: Mmm, didn't Manager say we were going for a more mature...clean...look?
Heechul: Puh. I'll bathe. I just want the look of a beggar. It's profound...
Leeteuk: Profound...
Heechul: Distinct...
Leeteuk: Distinct...
Heechul: ...And Kibum is going to be there with us.
Donghae: Kibum?!
Shindong: Kibum?!
Leeteuk: Kibum?!
Heechul: Kibum.
Donghae: Yay, Kibum! He's my favorite!
Heechul: ...
Donghae: I hope he's been eating well.
Heechul: ...
Donghae: Oh! Maybe I'll ask him to eat with me, Eunhyuk and Siwon after our salon appointment.
Heechul: Aren't you forgetting something?
Donghae: My wallet? No, I'm pretty sure I'll remember it.
Heechul: No. *cough* Something else.
Donghae: Hmmmm....
Heechul: Someone else.
Donghae: Hmmmmm...
Heechul: ...
Donghae: Ahhhhhhh....
Heechul: ...
Donghae: Errrrrrr....
Heechul: ...
Donghae: ...Nope. I'm gonna get a protein bar from the vending machine. You want one, Leeteuk?
Leeteuk: Might as well. I won't be getting my ramen before Nick and Trent and the others get here.
Donghae: What about you, Shindong? You want anything to eat?
Shindong: I hate my life.
Donghae: That's a no. I wonder if Hankyung will want something when he gets here. What flavor does he like?
Heechul: Anything with blueberries- Wait. No! Donghae, what about-
Donghae: Hey, will you stretch with me when I get back, Leeteuk?
Leeteuk: But of course, favorite wonderful dongsaeng.
Donghae: Thanks, favorite hyung.
Heechul: WHO LOVES ME!??!!
Kangin: No one.
Shindong: ...
Sorry, sorry.
Comments are to me like ramen is to Leeteuk. :D
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