[Part 4] Stupid English homework. >.> WHY?! I don't even understand what we're doing! I'm usually good at English but this teacher is all like...."Noooo...high school education sucks. This is how we do it in coooooollege." Dx WHY?! It's a good short story I'm supposed to be reading but.....what do I do???? ._.
Coffee and Grace
I hated Junsu.
The way he smiled.
The way he pressed onto my arm when he spoke.
The way he sucked in all living creatures with that laugh.
The way he stood oblivious when I shot
down his corny jokes with a malevolent glare.
The way he wrote almost as well as me.
The way he wrote almost better than me.
The way he looked at me waveringly when I brought out a lighter.
The way he sipped his morning coffee so quickly.
The way he always wore the wrong color tie.
The way he told funny stories.
The way he walked with unfounded grace.
The way he made me love him so much.
Painfully, deeply, hideously.
Part 5----------------------------------
Comments help me update faster~ ^_^
I alway feel that I've said everything I needed to when I write the chapters to this drabble series, but then I post it here and....it seems so short and inadequate. Dx Oh, well. ^^; That's a drabble series.....right????