Happy Birthday Hyukjae...

Jun 04, 2010 20:40

    "Changmin! Put the cake down!"

Title: Happy Birthday Hyukjae...
Author: k_chan!
Disclaimer: ....Totally....disclaimed! xD
Parts: [2/2]
Pairings: YooSu/YunJae/LOL JaeSu...?/MinCake xDD
Genre: Crack...xDDD
Summary: Junsu wants to hold a surprise birthday party for Eunhyuk at the DBSK household in 1 hour. But the household is not quite focused on the task. Yoochun would rather play computer games, Jaejoong is having emotional problems and can't call Yunho, Yunho has yet to show up because of Jaejoong's emotional problems, and Changmin won't stay away from the cake. Junsu has only one thing on his mind: HELP!
Rating: G  PG (A bit of imagination and dialogue >:D )

Part 1
  ||   Part 2

rating: pg, genre: comedy, title: happy birthday hyukjae...

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